On that fateful day, her father, sensing the impending doom, took desperate measures to protect Miku. He urgently instructed her to venture into the nearby village, hoping to buy her some time and distance from the tragedy about to unfold.

Overwhelmed by grief and the weight of losing her beloved parents, Miku stood in disbelief, her mind reeling with questions that had no answers. It was in this vulnerable state that Amane Ubayashiki, the wife of the current head of the Demon Slayer Corps, arrived on the scene.

Taking Miku under their wings, Amanea and Kagaya brought her to the Demon Slayer Corps' headquarters, offering her guidance and a path towards understanding her newfound abilities. Her connection to the Ubayashiki lineage became more evident, and Kagaya recognized the significance of her cursed gift. Although burdened by the loss of her family and the weight of her powers, Miku found solace in the camaraderie of the Demon Slayers and the unwavering support from the corps.

Fighting Style

Master Swordsman: Being the most respected Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps, Miku is one of the most powerful and skilled swordswoman in the entire organization. Upper Rank One' Kakushibo, Upper Rank Two, Douma and Upper Rank Three, Akaza, who has fought countless swordsman and woman in the past, was impressed with Miku's skill, stating that she possesses finely developed and unique swordsmanship among them and offer many times to become a demon.

Breathing Style: Harmony's Embrace

Description: The Harmony's Embrace is a unique and gentle breathing style developed by Miku, the Hashira of Harmony. Miku's breathing style brings not only strength and prowess on the battlefield but also a sense of unity and belonging. Her presence is like a calming melody, resonating with her allies and even affecting her foes. Through the Harmony's Embrace, Miku becomes a beacon of peace and comfort, drawing people together and inspiring them to fight for a better, harmonious world.

First Form: Serene Ripples

Description: In this initial form, Miku's movements are fluid and harmonious, reminiscent of the gentle ripples in a calm pond. With each breath, she draws in the surrounding energies and harmonizes them with her own, creating a serene aura that envelops her and her allies. Serene Ripples enhance her awareness and empathy, allowing her to anticipate her opponents' movements with ease.

Second Form: Nostalgic Hearth

Description: Nostalgic Hearth is a form that emanates a warm and inviting presence, like the hearth of a home on a cold winter's night. Miku's sword radiates a comforting light, symbolizing the feeling of being surrounded by loved ones. This light has a soothing effect on everyone nearby, bolstering their spirits and reducing the fear and tension caused by the presence of demons.

Third Form: Tranquil Sanctuary

Description: Tranquil Sanctuary is a form that creates an area of peace and safety amidst the chaos of battle. As Miku enters this form, a tranquil dome of energy forms around her and her allies. Within this sanctuary, they are protected from harmful influences and negative emotions. The healing properties of this form provide a respite, allowing allies to recover and regain their strength.

Fourth Form: Ephemeral Harmony

Description: The ultimate form of Harmony's Embrace, Ephemeral Harmony, embodies the fleeting beauty of a perfect moment. Miku's attacks become like an elegant dance, with each strike leaving behind a trail of soft, glowing petals that symbolize cherished memories. Those who witness this form experience a profound sense of comfort and contentment, reminding them of precious moments from their

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