⚙️ Tech Kingdom OC's ⚙️

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CatoGender: Male (he/him)Sexuality: UnlabeledPersonality: Cato is introverted, but he's protective of his siblings

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Gender: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Unlabeled
Personality: Cato is introverted, but he's protective of his siblings. He tends to put everything on his shoulders, even if he doesn't have to. Since there's nothing to do in the castle except train, he'll often be in his room composing different melodies.
Strengths: He has the power to manipulate sound, he can make a person think they're hearing someone's voice saying something. He's more of a creative-arts intelligence. He'd give his life for his siblings. 
Weaknesses: With his power, he's sensitive to most loud noises. He's had his ears modified with robotic parts to try to help it though. He isn't great with talking to other people, and he tries handling everything on his own. 
Relationships: Oldest sibling out of Quinn, Nova, and Zero. Probably comes off as overbearing to all of them. 
Backstories: Cato was the first one to be adopted by the Queens, and he was the first one they experimented on. His magic powers weren't something he was born with naturally, it was created by the Queens, so it's corrupted. That's why it comes with the drawback of it hurting for him to listen to loud noises. He doesn't know that the Queens have a code-word installed, and he doesn't know about their plans to take over the kingdoms. He mainly just stays locked away in his room, content to compose melodies he can't listen to. 
Other: None
Appearance: Younés Kahlaoui

NovaGender: Female (she/they)Sexuality: UnlabeledPersonality: Nova is probably the more extroverted one of her siblings

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Gender: Female (she/they)
Sexuality: Unlabeled
Personality: Nova is probably the more extroverted one of her siblings. She tends to put on this front that she loves the lavish lifestyle of her kingdom, even though she doesn't really. She's always putting on some sort of performance, and rarely ever actually acts like herself. 
Strengths: Nova has the power to transform her appearance into the person that someone loves most, or wants to see the most. So like, if she was in front of Wren then she could transform into Drew. She's well spoken, and always puts on a show for the Upper-Class citizens. She's a good liar. 
Weaknesses: If she transforms too much, she tends to lose sight of who she is. Her brain and memories get a little scattered, and she usually hides in her room to sort out her thoughts. She's not the most trustworthy because she lies about a lot of things, but she does care. She's low-key kind of insecure. 
Relationships: She's the second eldest out of her siblings. She cares about them, but would probably try distancing herself. 
Backstories: Nova was the second child chosen by the Queens. They were trying to give her powers that were more common in the Tech Kingdom, and wouldn't be too frowned upon by the citizens. Nova is used the most often during social events, since she can become whoever a person most loves/desires. She doesn't know about the code word installed in her, or the obedience chips. She has suspected her parents don't have the best intentions though. 
Other: None
Appearance: Yzissuki

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