Act one : Chapter one : Letters

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A small breeze swept through the air as the nine Hashiras knelt patiently, awaiting their master.

Despite feeling honoured to see their master again, they all knew what was to come.

Not a moment passed before a small dragging sound could be heard, like cloth dragging across wood.

The door slid open, revealing a sickly thin man with ebony shoulder-length hair. He stumbled forward, his sandles dragging as he walked. His hands were being gently held by his two daughters, who held neutral faces.

Soon, he was settled and sat comfortably on a purple cushion in front of the strongest members of the Demon Slayer Corpse. The Hashira.

"My children, how lovely it is to see you all again, and well at that," Kagaya smiled weakly, yet he felt rejoiced at the sensation of the strong presence of the new generation Hashiras in front of him. He was so proud of how strong they had become. His foggy eyesight still managed to make out the figures that sat before him.

"Hello!" Came their united reply. All of their voices held happiness, yet was also flooded by concern. They did not realise their masters health had rapidly declined since their last meeting. "We are glad you are well!"

The sound of them united once more caused him to let out a low chuckle, feeling a small flutter of happiness in his chest. He held a hand close to his heart, sighing in relief.

"My children, I am sorry to have to inform you, but I'm sure you have already noticed." Kagaya began, his lips stretching into a thin line, and a heavy tension hung in the air.

He grasped onto his daughters hands as he attempted to stand, grunting, "With the growing population of humans, demons and demon outbreaks are getting more and more difficu-"

Suddenly, he was interrupted by a crow, flying down at a rapid speed. Kagaya, despite his eyes widening in shock at the sudden sound, leant out his arm for the crow to land on, which it did in an ungraceful manner.
The Hashira tensed, worried for his fragile state.

"CAW, CAW!" The crow screeched, and Mitsuri, the love Hashira, covered her ears at the noise, and the other Hashira looked annoyed at its interruption. However, their initial annoyance was soon put to rest,

"Letter for Kagaya Ubuyashiki! CAW CAW! From [Y/N] Ubuyashiki! CAW CAW"

A large smile graced their masters lips, as his daughter went to untie the letter for him.

The tension that invaded the air just moments ago suddenly disappeared, and they all felt small smiles gracing their lips as they saw a grin forming on their masters face

Attached to the letter was a purple ribbon, which was tied to a small piece of a wisteria blossom

"Would you like me to read it to you, Father?" She asked plainly, unrolling the letter,

"Yes, please, if that is alright, my sweet child." He clasped his hand over hers. He happily turned in the direction of the Hashira, "I hope you do not mind, but this is an urgent letter and is of private matters. Please excuse me while my daughter reads it to me,"

The Hashira bowed their heads, "Thank you Master! We do not deserve your kindness! Do not worry! We will patiently await your return. " The flame Hashira, Rengoku, responded joyfully, encouraging the rest of the Hashira to move back slightly

"Alright, thank you, Rengoku. I will return as quickly as possible." Kagaya bowed, then slowly stood, and began moving towards the door with the help of his daughters.

As soon as he left, the Hashira turned to each other with confusion etched onto their faces.

"Did you know the master had a wife?" Tengen, the sound pillar, asked. "How flamboyant of him, however it doesn't surprise me, he is very flashy!" He grinned

"Oh, how cute!" Mitsuri clasped her hands together, smiling. "Their love story must be one of beauty!"

"Of course he has a wife, you idiot. How else would he have children?" Sanemi snapped, dragging a hand over his face. Sanemi was actually a close friend of hers, but currently held a strong grudge against her for leaving unannounced.

"Let us just remain as we were, don't get distracted," Tomioka hummed, not entirely interested in his masters affairs.

"My dearest Kagaya,

Hello my sweet love,
I am writing to tell you that I am soon returning to Japan. I am so delighted I will finally be able to be in your warm embrace again. It has been so cold and dark here without your light guiding me.

My meetings with family in Western Europe went pleasingly well. However, I am so sorry for how long I have been away. I have brought the herbs you asked for, but that does not ease my worry about your health. How is your eyesight? How are our children?

I am to return at the end of this week by train, so by the time this letter reaches you, I will be close behind.

Love, your Wisteria Blossom, [Y/N]"

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