Chapter 2: A Triggered Memory

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The Nekoma students were heading to school, still surprised by the thought of their captain once dating the captain of Nohebi. "I'm not sure if this is even true..but how about we ask Kuroo?" Lev suggested, giving the Nekoma students an idea. "I don't know..You already know Kuroo, he'll just deny it." Yaku and Kai agreed with each other, both having the same opinion.

"Well, I think Levs idea is good." Kenma spoke up, offering his support for the idea. "Kuroo will deny it well, but he won't fool us. So if he denies it with embarrassment, then you know they're Dating," Kenma added, suggesting a way to confirm the rumors. "Woah! Good idea Kenma!" Yaku, Kai and Lev all cheered in agreement, appreciating Kenma's insight.


"Nopeee! We were not dating," Kuroo responded firmly, seemingly adamant about his response. Kuroo immediately followed up by walking away to study, leaving the third years alone to wonder if he was telling the truth or fooling them. "Well, he doesn't seem like he's lying," Yaku sighed. "Oh! I got an idea," Kai whispered to Yaku, keeping it a secret as the two walked towards Kuroo, who was still focused on his studies.

"Huh?" Kuroo looked up at the two grinning third years who he assumed would tell him something unexpected. "Since we're talking about Nohebi," Yaku prompted Kai, indicating for him to continue. "Isn't Nohebi's number 5 and the captain dating?" Kai teased, hoping for a response from Kuroo. To their surprise, Kuroo replied nonchalantly, "Oh, really? Well good for him I guess?" He immediately turned his attention back to his studies, unfazed and uninterested in their attempts at teasing him.

"What?" Yaku and Kai had both walked away from Kuroo, feeling confusion and dismay over the fact that Mika's information about his past relationship with Daishou turned out to be false. "Well, we give up," Yaku sighed, acknowledging the failure of their attempts to verify the rumor.

The two third years were walking to their classroom, after purchasing snacks from the cafeteria. Upon entering the room, they noticed that Kuroo wasn't present but a suspicious box was sitting in his seat. The box was marked with "T + S," stirring the pair's curiosity. "Just my theory, but doesn't that make it Kuroo and Daishou's first names?" Kai shared his thoughts, prompting Yaku to add, "Tetsuru and Suguru?" Yaku continued, intrigued by the theory.

"Oh? Is that a tape?" Kai inquired, removing the tape marked "Spring, April 23rd, 2010" from Kuroo's seat. "I didn't know Kuroo had a tape. Should we watch it?" Yaku looked at Kai, thinking about whether watching the tape would be a good idea. "How about we email the Nohebi players? We could all watch it together," Kai suggested. "Alright after practice," Yaku agreed, taking out his phone. "Alright," Kai responded, also taking out his phone.

At the Gym practice.

"Hey, so how was it?" Lev whispered, making sure to stay quiet so that Kuroo couldn't hear him. "It was a fail. He didn't seem bothered when he denied it, and he didn't seem like he was bluffing," Kai replied. "But we found a tape, let's watch it with the Nohebi's," he continued. "Why?" Kenma asked, wanting to know the reason for watching the tape with the Nohebi students, as the third years explained.

Spring, April 9th, 2012. 4:31 PM.

"'re saying this tape is from Kuroo, right?" Hiroo questioned, checking the tape themselves. "Yes! And now we're gonna watch it," Lev responded with enthusiasm. The group plugged the tape into the video player and turned it on. On the screen, they watched as the video started playing and the scenery showed a clear sky as someone said something, likely Kuroo. They were all full of curiosity to see what was on the tape, hoping to find further clues for the truth about Kuroo's past relationship with Daishou.


"Summer, April 23rd, 2010."

A voice echoed.

Chapter 2 -Ended.

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