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Ashwin Kumar lakshminathan as Ashwin Kumar

Ashwin Kumar lakshminathan as Ashwin Kumar

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Hero of the story. Mumma's boy. Introvert but extrovert to close friends very arrongant and ruthless but a valardha kozhandai by heart . Studying in college 2nd year in xyz college .he is very popular in college. He is from a rich background . Heartthrob of the college.

Hero'father- kumar
Ceo of AD groups of company.Strict as well as loving father .Loves his family very much

Hero's mother -devi
Very loving and caring mother .Loves her son and daughter very much

Manimegalai as Manimegalai aka mani

Manimegalai as Manimegalai aka mani

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Own sister of ashwin.Studying in xyz college in 3rd year.She loves to irritate her brother but care for him. Loves her family

Hero's friends
Rakshan as rakshan

Hero's friends Rakshan as rakshan

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Best friend of Ashwin. Loves him so much. He lost his mother and father in young age in an accident. Introvert but extrovert to closed ones. Studying in xyz college in 2nd year

Pugazh as Pugazh

Best friend of Ashwin

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Best friend of Ashwin. Loves him so much. Studying in xyz college in 2nd year .Always care Ashwin .Jolly and fun type and flirt with girls🤣and get many adi's👊

Mugen rao as mugen

Best friend of Ashwin

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Best friend of Ashwin. Loves him so much.. Extrovert and Jolly type studying in xyz college in 2nd year

Sarath as Sarath

Best friend of Ashwin

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Best friend of Ashwin. Loves him so much studying in xyz college in 2nd year extrovert and Jolly type

Kureishi as kureishi

Kureishi as kureishi

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Best of Ashwin. Loves him so much studying in xyz college in 2nd year. Extrovert and Jolly type.

They are a gang in college.

TBC ..
Hello everyone this is my first story pls show your love and support..
That's all for hero's introduction
Many cast will added in between story also❤️

Mr.Arrongant Ms.InnocentWhere stories live. Discover now