Chapter 1

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I'm not even an adult, yet I'm getting kidnapped. I was in my room, but someone came in, put a hand over my mouth and shoved me in a bag. I kicked, tried to flail my arms, but I was stuck in that sack. I felt myself being put in a car. I felt every bump. Suddenly the car stopped. I heard doors open. I was picked up. I tried kicking, but it was still no use. My heart was pounding and my fear was taking over. I started flailing about, but the man just chuckled.

Soon, I heard three more men. I heard them whispering to each other. I was brought into another room. I was crying now. The men took me out. I wanted to die then. They opened up a cage. I was thrown in it. It was locked tight. "Welcome new test subject," said one of the scientists. I leaned on the back of the cage and put my knees to my chest as he left. My white shirt was wet with tears and dirty from the bag and my blue pants were dirty from the bag too. I put my head down and cried. There was nothing I could do. I then saw other cages. Nobody was in them.

My heart was racing. Why was nobody here? Chills ran down my spine. Maybe it was because of the tests. I shook. I let my brown hair fall around my knees. I wanted to be at home, in my bed. I wanted it all to be dream. A nightmare. I hoped I would be rescued before I was tested on. I lifted up my head and took another look around. It was dark, so I couldn't see too well. I heard a few leaky pipes and an old air conditioner buzzing away. I looked up. The cage wasn't on the ground. It was hanging on a chain. That sent more chills down my spine, so I looked down. My white sneakers were mostly dirty white now. I took off my socks and shoes and put my feet against the cold cage floor.

I sat there for a few minutes. I saw two tiny red eyes looking at me. I was so scared, my body refused to move. The red eyes got closer, and then I saw a while rat. I sighed. It probably wouldn't hurt me. The door opened suddenly and light flooded the room. I looked at the door. The scientist was smiling evilly at me. He opened the cage. I was too frightened to move. He grabbed me and dragged me out. He tied a rope around my neck and led me out of the room. The hallways were whit and the floor was dark blue. I didn't have my shoes on, so the floor was cold. The lights on the roof seemed to want to make sure I was visible.

I walked with the man. He kept muttering something I couldn't understand. Soon, he opened the door and led me into the testing room.

Test SubjectWhere stories live. Discover now