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John's mother died when he was fourteen so my aunt offered to take him in. since john had been living with us we became even closer.

One day john was playing football with the guys from around the Hood and i happed to Buck up on them on my way from the grocery store
there I met Matthew...
We had long conversations over the phone getting to know each other and I would always find john eavesdropping
Matthew was very nice and I liked him, I can't belive we went to the same school for three years and not notice each other.

Matthew offered to walk me to school two weeks ago and since then we have never missed a day, john told me he felt the same way about me and asked me on a lunch date which I enjoyed so much.

I noticed that john felt uncomfortable when ever I talked about Matthew or when ever we spent quality time together that's sad because nothing he wanted to say or do could ever break my connection with Matthew.

Hey john can I ask u a question?



Why do you get upset every time I talk about Matthew

Can we please not discuss this now

I asked you a question so I expect a response


OK it's just that we have been bestfriends since we were kids and I care about our friendship more than anything else and I don't want anyone to come between that.

Some how I thought john cared about something more than Just my friendship But decide not to jump to any conclusions.

Matthew asked me on our first official date, my aunt agreed, she had no problem with Matthew she actually liked how he was not like the other guys from the Hood. The only rule we got for the night was to ensure I got home by ten.
The night was well spent we went to a fancy expensive restaurant I wondered to myself how Matthew could even afford to pay for one meal because the price for my food tonight could buy me a suit of fancy clothes anyway we got back fifteen minutes before cerfue where we spent some time on the the porch of my house talking and Matthew told me he loved me and said he dose not think he has ever loved a girl as much as he loves me. He placed his hand on the door knob getting ready to twist it open so there and then you know i thought for a second that he actually was forgetting something, that kiss a guy gives a girl on the very first date one that no guy should ever forget. I closed my eyes in disappointment as he said goodnight but turned around quickly and he said really fast I want to kiss u but don't know.....Matthew just kiss me. Like two second after I felt his warm soft lips pressing agianst mine and as my brain slowly registered this force of love I felt happy.

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