"I'll come with you; you can't bring all this stuff back alone. And I don't know this place, so... I wanna check the teas." said NuNew.

Nat shrugged and headed towards the coffee counter with his friend.

They sat on the wooden stools in front of it and Nat smiled at a tall older man with a goofy smile.

"Nong Nat, you're back today too!" said the guy in a friendly tone.

"P'Poppy, let me introduce you my univ bestie NuNew! NuNew, he's P'Poppy!"

"Sawadee krub!" wai-ed NuNew, which was replied by the older man in the same way.

"We are here with some colleagues. Group research, you know..." explained Nat, gaining a really expressive face by Poppy, his mouth shaped as a perfect "o".

"So, you need some coffee and maybe some snack too? Oh! Just wait here, I'll call P'Zee right away! Meanwhile I'll go preparing something tasty for you!"

It took a few seconds for Poppy to disappear inside what was probably the kitchen, and a few seconds more to see coming from that very same door who, NuNew presumed, was P'Zee.

He caught himself just in time before his jaw, not really metaphorically, dropped on the counter; as for his heart that made a somersault in his throat... that, he couldn't really prevent.

He was... tall. Not so much taller than himself but... pleasingly so. He was wearing a brown apron over a basic white t-shirt, but it was all enough to emphasize his lean but sculptured physique and... oh, was he just staring at his biceps? He batted his lashes as to dissipate a sudden haze but it didn't really work. As if in some cinematic slow-mo, the more he got closer, the more he noticed other details about him.

Strong eyebrows, long lashes framing big, dark, piercing eyes. Fair skin. Full rosy lips shaped in a soft curve.

Fearing to be caught, he lowered his gaze in shame.

"Papa Zee, sawadee krub!" chimed in Nat.

Papa Zee?

NuNew's mind literally rang for no reason. Oh right, Nat knew both of the older men through Max. It made sense. Maybe.

"Sawadee, Nong Nat. Are you here with your colleagues?" he said moving his eyes over NuNew. "Sawadee Krub, I'm ZeePruk, but you can call me Zee." he added, with a deep, soothing voice that tickled the back of his neck.

"Sawadee krub, P'Zee, I'm NuNew Chawarin. NuNew, for short." NuNew joined his hands in a wai, tentatively rising his gaze to him.

"He's my best friend, Papa Zee! And he's the top student in our Chinese class!" Nat said, proudly.

"Nat, please... too much praising..." smiled sheepishly the boy, very much self-conscious of the older man's eyes on him. Which didn't mean anything, really. But why he felt so out of himself? He needed to get a grip.

"So, what can I serve you, guys?"

"We'd love a Frappuccino cookie and cream, 2 Americano, 1 Caramel Macchiato for me and... what you take, NuNew?"

"I'd... like some tea." he said, in some irrationally ashamed way.

"Sure. Which one? We don't have a huge selection but..." he said, pointing at the blackboard behind his back.

"Uhm... a cup of matcha green tea will be fine, kobkunkrub" NuNew said.

"I must warn you, tho. I don't happen to make tea much here. I might be rusty but I'll do my best." he smiled and NuNew, again, felt like there wasn't enough air in his lungs.

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