"Oh?" Athena asked as she was adjusting her bow. "Why's that?"

"I'm not a big fan of flying." He saw her look of surprise at that. "I know it doesn't make a lot of sense.. I mean, I do it regularly for my job, but I'm just not the best flier."

"I understand." She reached out and placed her hand comfortingly on top of his, giving it a gentle squeeze. "We all have things we fear and I won't make fun of it, promise." She smiled at him.

He smiled warmly at her, flipping the hand with hers over to lace his fingers through hers. He gently pulled her closer on the sofa and she obliged him, feeling her cheeks warm as they sat thigh to thigh, their hands still clasp together and resting on his thigh.

Nick twisted his body towards her, reaching with his other hand to tuck a curl behind her ears, his thumb brushing against her cheek lightly, causing a shiver to go down her spine.

He saw that and grinned at her. "Ticklish?"

"A bit." She shyly admitted.

Just as Nick was about to say something, the flight attendant returned with a chilled bottle of wine Nick had asked for, and two glasses. "It's going to be just another half hour, sir and then we'll be heading for take off."

She smiled over at Athena and said, "Your dress is absolutely gorgeous. It suits you really well too. Where did you get it?"

Athena perked up at that and answered eagerly, "I actually thrifted it from a place in North Miami Beach. And thank you! It was such a pretty blue color and it was only $5, so I had to get it."

"It was a good purchase, you look lovely in it, miss."

Athena thanked her again, and sipped the wine that Nick had just poured.

Nick was watching her, having just sipped his own glass. "You know... I didn't know what I was expecting when I made that follow request months ago."

"Oh?" Athena stared back. "What were you hoping for?"

"Well," He scratched his neck nervously. "A chance with you. I hadn't realized you were engaged right away, I just saw you tagged in a picture on Arty's account.." He saw her stare in confusion, "It was when her and Joey did their stupid mini break up and she was baiting him to come out of hiding to talk to her. I was trying to help him figure out what club she was at.. And yeah, I saw a picture of you on her Instagram and got curious."

Athena was mulling over his words when she said, "I was on the phone with Arty when I got your request to follow me. And I accepted it because I was curious too. Curious about you and curious about who your brother was to my sister." She swallowed nervously before staring up at him, "I.. I liked the attention you showed me. I couldn't admit it with Teddy.." She saw him frown at his name, a look of irritation flashed on his face before he schooled his expression again, "But I did like it.. And I didn't discourage it because it felt good that someone was being nice to me and showing me attention... When I wasn't getting it from the one person who should have shown it to me." She looked down at her lap, suddenly feeling very vulnerable and uncomfortable with admitting that to herself.

Nick gently grabbed her glass, placing it next to his on the tray near him, and leaned in to kiss her cheek.

Athena turned slightly and pressed her lips against him, surprising Nick as he gasped in shock. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned into him, pressing deeper into the kiss as he opened his mouth to meet her tongue with his.

She wasn't sure how long they remained like that, with him reclined back against the seat and her kneeling across him, her chest pressed to his as they made out.

Lover - Nick Bosa - Sliding in the DMs SpinoffWhere stories live. Discover now