Can't Be Happening

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I was drinking a lot. I don't think I got drunk, but I was pretty buzzed and from what I can remember, so was Ryan.

Everyone decided on playing truth or dare, the dirty kind, and someone dared Ryan and I to -

"Hi." His voice cut through my thoughts and made my heart race. Like it always does.

"What?" I said almost bitterly.

"Just saying hi. No need to be all pissed off." He was walking beside me now, following me to the cafeteria. "Where are we going?"

"I'm going to the cafeteria. I don't know where you're going."

"I guess I'm going, too." I rolled my eyes and kept walking, trying to get away from him. "You do realize my legs are longer than yours and no matter how fast you try to walk, I'll catch up to you. You know that right?" He said mockingly.

"Why are you talking to me?" I turned to face him, this ignorant grin on his lips. "Why is this any different than before?"

"Well there's nothing else to do -"

"So just fuck with me, right? That'll cure your bordem." I've suddenly lost whatever appetite I've had. "Just do us both a favor and go back to ingoring me and hating me like you do everyday." I pushed past him and walked up the staircase.

"I don't hate you, Brendon." I heard him say.

I scoffed and kept going.


Two of the classrooms upstairs were unlocked and one of them had the TV stand in it. But the movies sucked and I've already seen most of them already.

"This is so fucking stupid." I sighed to myself, leaning back in the teachers rolling chair.

You know, it's not fair that they get these comfortable chairs to sit in and all we get are hard, uncomfortable chairs that make my ass hurt. The school system is all fucked up, if you ask me.

The computer has a password on it, or I would have tried getting ahold of someone to get me the hell out of here and away from Ryan.

My stomachs growling. I hate it.

It hurts.

Maybe if I'm quiet, I can sneak into the cafeteria and grab a poptart before Ryan sees me.

Yeah, and what if he's in there?

Just walk away from him again.

Grab your poptart and leave. Yeah, do that.

I walked as fast as I could to the cafeteria and found the doors to the lunch line area were already opened. Obviously, Ryan was here.

I walked in slowly and saw the rack that the poptarts were on and I grabbed one.

"You should eat more," Ryan's voice said. I closed my eyes and sighed. "I never see you eat lunch. And you look like you've lost weight. Too much weight, actually."

"What's it to you?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't answer.

"Because eating disorders are life threatening and it can be very bad for you."

"And you would know, right? Because you know everything." I scoffed.

"Yeah. I do know. Because I went through the same thing. I thought I was fat and it wasn't until I actually looked in the mirror that I realized how sick I was. How sick I looked. My ribs and hipbones were showing clearly, like they were just covered with skin. It was gross." I turned around and looked at him.

Stuck With You - Rydon | MPregNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ