Meet Tax dalmatian/ Viruses goo

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*everyone keep going their summer feast*

Jack dragon: thanks mystery Inc it's wasn't for you guys catch spider

Fred: we going say that to you Jack and Hero force

Velma: so what you guys going to do now

Rez: hehe will spending time in summer feast of course

Jack dragon: yeah and we won't mind you guys join summer feast in imagination town

Daphne: jeeper we be the honor Jack

Fred: I know Daphne thanks Jack

Jack: hey at least we can do for you mystery inc enjoy the feast

*Hero force walk away and join the summer feast mystery gang walk up to each stand until Scooby bumped into teenage dalmatian*

Tax: hey careful you... *He look at Scooby doo* *gasp* no way you Scooby Doo and *gasp* Mystery inc no way

Daphne: wow you just a cute pup

*Here come Mr dalmatian*

Mr Dalmatian: *giggle* I see you met my son

Fred: your son

Mr Dalmatian: yep met Tax dalmatian he is big fan of you guys

Fred: will we do great solve mystery

Tax: hehe yeah you guys are the best and not best as Scooby Dooby Doo

Scooby: aw hehe

Shaggy; like man glad meet you tax are you here with your parents

Tax: hehe will not just my parents my friends are here to I like you meet them

Velma: sure we like to meet your friends Tax

Tax: *wrag his Tails* woof alright follow me my friends at the table

*Tax run off and mystery gang follow Tax dalmatian to his friends but at the bacon hot dog stand Duncan made first bacon dog set on the counter but then one person poor virus goo on bacon dog then Rez take bacon dog*

Rez: *he take a bite*... Hmm this teast funny?... Hmm... *His eyes turn purple and goo coming out his mouth* *groan*

Duncan: *he set another bacon dog on counter until he got pull out the stand by Rez* AH!!!

To be continued

Scooby Doo and Crystal - Virus curesWhere stories live. Discover now