Internally, the gods couldn't help but coo at his cuteness. "Aww, he's so cute!" one of them whispered.

"I wish my child would be as adorable as him," another god said wistfully.

They couldn't help but murmur among themselves, making Hans blush even more, not realizing the extent of his own charm.

Feeling a gentle pat on his back, Hans looked up to see the beautiful man smiling warmly at him. He seemed to want Hans to introduce himself to the others. Summoning his courage, Hans spoke up, "H-hello, I am Hans... It's, uhm, nice to meet all of you... Except you, God of Death," he added in a mumble that, to his surprise, everyone heard, causing some chuckles and the God of Death to sulk in the corner.

The other gods introduced themselves as well, each offering a kind word or a gentle pat, further fueling Hans's bashfulness. As he looked at them with admiration, he realized he hadn't known the beautiful man's name yet.

Summoning his courage once more, he tugged at the man's robe, gaining the attention of everyone around him. The gods were once again smitten by Hans's adorable stare.

"Uhm, what about you, sir?" Hans asked shyly, his eyes shining with curiosity and admiration.

The beautiful man smiled, about to reply when the God of Death couldn't resist the chance to interject, "This is the God of Lemons."

The beautiful man's expression shifted slightly, seemingly irritated by the interruption, but it was too late to correct the misunderstanding now.

Hans blinked, still taken aback by the revelation. "The God of Lemons? Really?" he asked in admiration and with shining eyes, as if he had just met his idol.

The gods couldn't help but chuckle and coo at Hans's response. "I didn't expect you to look like this, sir. Ah! Not that it's a bad thing!" Hans stammered, flustered.

The God of Lemons chuckled warmly, patting Hans's head again. "Appearances can be deceiving, my child. But rest assured, I'm not offended."

Hans felt a warm sensation in his heart, comforted by the god's kind response.

"Uhm, Mr. Lemon God Sir?" Hans called out shyly 

"Just call me Allen" He heard the God of Lemon say.

"Oh, okay, Allen-nim may I ask why am I here?" 

The God of Death tried to answer, only to be kicked in the chin by the God of Lemons, making him whine pitifully on the ground.

"It was quite an accident, but don't worry. You will soon return to your body," the God of Lemons assured Hans.

"Oh, okay," Hans replied, looking like a cute and obedient bunny.

The God of Lemons suggested having a chat while they waited, and Hans's eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh, okay. Uhm, if it's alright, can I ask a question?"

"Of course, go on," the God of Lemons encouraged.

Hans couldn't help but feel eager and a bit nervous about asking. "Do I get my peaceful life?" he inquired with a hopeful glint in his eyes.







The Reader who became a ButlerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ