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Many years ago, Michikatsu and Yoriichi's parents divorced.

The mother kept Yoriichi with her, and the father took Michikatsu.

Their relationship as a family began to crumble even before Michikatsu's birth, and for a reason that he doesn't even know years later.

The two brothers are quite young and are very close to one another, but it seems life doesn't want them to stay together due to circumstances they can't control.

As the eldest brother, Yoriichi knows a lot more than the youngest. With his mature mind and observing eyes, he can immediately catch on to the current situation he is immediately placed in just one glance. To say that he was not pleased is an understatement.

He was beyond displeased. More so than his parents. A kind of displeasure that is bordering anger.

But as a young boy, there was nothing he could do as he watched his younger brother and his father leave the house for good. With nothing much to do except grit his teeth and clench his hands, he simply watched his younger brother be taken away from him.

For Yoriichi... This was unacceptable.

Yoriichi held back the urge to run to them; to hold Michikatsu one last time in a tight hug. His intention from the very beginning was to never let Michikatsu go. But he held firm and stood there with an unreadable expression on his face as his maroon eyes stared at his younger brother in a distance.

"Mother, why can't Michikatsu stay with us?" Yoriichi had asked, his eyes never straying from Michikatsu's small form.

His mother simply sighed deeply and said. "It was part of our deal, that's all."

Yoriichi frowned at the dull response, not knowing what to say.

As the car began to hum to life, Yoriichi's heart ached with fierce longing and sadness. Michikatsu is leaving me. He is leaving me. I can't see him anymore. No, no, no! No!

"Mother, will they visit us soon?"

And the mother did not reply.



Yet, she didn't. Not even one explanation from her mouth. Her eyes remained staring at the car, cold and almost lifeless. The only words he could get from her were simply filled with disappointment. "Let's get inside, Yoriichi."


Michikatsu was six years old the last he saw his older brother. At that time, Yoriichi was twelve and was entering high school.

Michikatsu was deeply saddened when he was told he wouldn't be able to see his older brother anymore. Because he and his father were moving to a farther and different place, it is unlikely for them to see each other again.

But despite the sadness, Michikatsu couldn't help but feel... glad.

Like the invisible chains of restrictions had finally been broken. As if Michikatsu was a prisoner of a cage that is now unlocked.

Indeed, Michikatsu noticed the drastic change in his life once Yoriichi was out of the picture. He noticed that... he could make and pick decisions. He noticed that he can do whatever he wants. And he had freedom and time of his own! He finally had space only for himself! These hidden pleasures brought some sort of giddiness and uncontrollable happiness that left him confused.

For certain, it was something that Michikatsu had wanted and prayed for unbeknownst to him all these times the moment when he and his father left home. The realization that he is no longer controlled or under constant surveillance by his brother gave him joy like never before.

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