A guy named Kurt

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Let me spill some tea 'bout this guy named Kurt,

He's got a vibe that makes this world less curt.

Money and rules, they try to hold us back,

But he's all about joy, no need for a tack.

When life throws challenges, he ain't afraid,

Storms may come, but they're gone, they're swayed.

He's like a boss, making hope sprout and grow,

Leaving you pleased, with a radiant glow.

When you're drained, he's there, no doubt,

A refuge, a sanctuary, he's got that clout.

Like a cozy blanket on a January day,

He'll warm you up, keep the blues at bay.

With him, it's like neon lights are lit,

Pastels fade away, in his presence, they quit.

Words can't capture all that he's about,

He's one of a kind, without a doubt.

Together we've faced life's crazy scenes,

Finding escape in chaos, or so it seems.

This letter's from "L," and I gotta say,

Kurt's my escape, brightening my day.

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