You sure

Yea but now I have a question for you


Friday can I come over just for the weekend I wanna spend some more time with you

I'll ask but I wouldn't have an issue with that

Lemme come over tonight


Im outside open your window

Call Ended

Low and behold there she was looking good

"Damn"I said lowly

"I know" she said with a smirk and doing a lil spin

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"I know" she said with a smirk and doing a lil spin

"My turn" I said doing a lil spin as well

"My turn" I said doing a lil spin as well

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"Fuck" she said quietly

"What did you say"


"Come sit" I said going to my bed and patting the spot next to me

"Ok" she said sitting next to me

"If you don't mind me asking why didn't you come to the funeral"

"Well...I did go but while as I was going to my seat Marcus lied and said Groit wasn't working properly, took me to the lab, then we had an argument and when I went back I couldn't find you. I'm sorry"

"It's ok, I would say I understand but I don't and I don't really care about all that"

Next thing I know she kissed me
And of course I kissed back I've been wanting this since forever
Then I got on her lap and we continued to make-out

Unforgettable (Shuri/Yn)  (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now