“Since I found out Eren is also gay, than I am moving forward with my pursuit of him.” Levi informed all that stood there.

“I will have him shot right here!” Levi’s mother yelled.

“Try it.” The cold steel in those whispered words had more than the hair on the back of Eren’s neck rising.

Levi shifted. He planted himself before Eren. To Eren's shock, Ymir moved to protect his back. Historia and Armin swung into his sides. The four surrounded him perfectly. He looked down at them all.

“Are ya’all stupid?” Eren asked. They turned to look at him.

“You’re too short to protect me. If she orders my death, all they need to do is shoot me in the head!” He complained.

“Well, thank you for that assessment, Mr. Yeager.” Eren looked up.

While everyone had been distracted, Levi’s mother had acquired a gun. It was pointed right between his eyes. Eren had never seen people move so fast. Levi launched himself at his mother. Kenny was only a step behind. Eren felt the impact of the hat wearing uncle. They fell toward the ground as Ymir pulled Historia out of the way.

Looking over Kenny’s shoulder, Eren saw Levi in action. He had kicked the gun free of his mother’s grip. It had fallen by Erwin’s feet. The man had picked it up, but Eren didn’t notice this. Instead he watched as Levi fought his own mother. It was apparent who his first martial arts teacher had been. His mother countered every move with an easy block.

She struck out, but couldn’t make any lethal connections. Levi was just as good at blocking her assaults as she had been. They moved across the dirt drive so fast a dust cloud was forming at their feet. Kenny hauled Eren out of harms way once more. He was thrust toward Erwin, who steadied him. Armin had shifted to stand beside his friend. A gun shot rang out.

Everyone froze. The other women who Levi was supposed to be courting, were huddled up under the slight eve by his door. Erwin held Eren slightly behind him, Armin was before his friend as was Ymir and Historia. Levi and his mother stopped their fight. Levi having landed from a high kick that should have rendered his mother unconscious, but she had blocked it with crossed arms.  All eyes went to the smoking gun.

It was held aloft in Kenny’s hands. He lowered it, blowing the smoke away. He glared at his family. Putting the gun away, Kenny walked toward the pair still facing each other.

“Don’t be so hasty, little sister.” He purred. Reaching out a hand he ruffled Levi’s hair.

“I think the runt picked the best mate out of all of them. We now have cause to gain control of the Yeager empire.” Kenny smirked as he lit a cigarette.

“I will not have my son…” the smack was loud in the silence.

Eren wasn’t sure if Kenny actually moved. How had he struck the woman, who only minutes ago was, battling her son with ease. Kenny draped his arm around the woman’s shoulder.

“Let’s go talk.” He ordered.

Kenny led his sister away. Levi watched them go. He sighed fixing his hair. Eren frowned. He had liked how it looked messed up on top of his head. The other four ladies were still huddled together.

“Maybe we should, uh get everyone something to eat?” Erwin offered.

“Madame Ackerman has a luncheon set up on the back lawn.” Historia informed the others.

“Alright, could you please led the ladies there?” Levi asked with a slight bow.

“Of course.” Historia curtsied as she went to gather the distraught women. Levi let out a small puff of air.

“So, why was it you looked for me for so long?” Eren asked, his face split into a wide grin.

“Eren don’t be stupid!” Armin rolled his eyes.

“Look here, brat. When you tell me about nearly falling to your death…”

“Oh, I didn’t fall. Ymir caught me but then the catwalk broke. She was able to leap off about five stories down, but I was never that agile.” Eren smirked.

“I am having a heart attack!” Levi growled clutching the shirt over his chest. Eren laughed.

“Well, I didn’t die!” Eren snorted.

“Come on inside. Lets get you two cleaned up. Armin, you can follow me. I think Levi will take care of Eren.” Erwin offered.

“Yeah, a bit worried about how he plans on doing that.” Armin muttered walking off with the tall blond bodyguard.

Levi sighed once more. He turned away to follow them into the house.  Eren was close behind them. He looked around, noticing some familiar sights. Levi touched his hand as he turned toward a dark hall. Eren followed him.

There weren’t any doors off of this hall, save for the one at the end. Levi opened it. Inside was a lavish bedroom. The bed took up a large area as it sat under a skylight. A desk with a comfy looking chair was to the right. Three doors were placed in intervals around this. To the left another door stood partially open. Eren saw the toilet. He looked back to Levi who stood just before the bed.

“I haven’t ever had anyone in this room but Erwin.” He muttered.

“This is your space?” Eren hadn’t crossed the threshold yet.

“Yeah, I guess.” Levi looked up at him. He saw that Eren was hesitating.

“I meant what I said.” Levi insisted.

“Which part?” Eren asked.

“The part about me liking you.” Levi looked down towards his hands.

“I fell in love with a green eyed boy, when I was only ten years old.” He muttered.

“Why does that sound like the opening line to a country song?” Eren pressed.

Levi looked back at him. “I don’t know what you feel for me, Eren. I would like for us to get to know each other as adults, see what happens.” Levi pressed.

“But only after I tell you how I survived that fall?” Eren asked.

“That would be a start.” Levi nodded a small smirk on his face.

“Well, they helped me.” Eren pointed out the window behind Levi.

A person was walking across the lawn. The thick glasses were held to their face by a band that wrapped around their head. Auburn hair was piled up in a messy bun on top of this. They were talking to a man who walked on the other side of them.

“Wait, SHITTY GLASSES KNEW WHERE YOU WERE!” Levi’s bellow was so loud the person turned to look toward the window.

“Well, it was about seven years ago…” Eren whispered.

“I’m going to KILL THEM!” Levi moved as if he were going to dive out the window to do as he insisted upon. Eren chuckled.

“Why kill the person who saved my life?” he asked tilting his head. This made Levi pause. He glanced back to Eren.

“Go shower.” He muttered. Eren chuckled as he walked to the bathroom.

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