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First time doing this so yeahhhh mines is gonna be sum different also
|Also Muzan has other kids then Haruka|

Muzan: I really don't see what's so hard about this you know

Akaza: Sorry Master Muzan but everything!

Douma: Akaza-Dono!!

*Akaza moves and Douma hits the wall*

Akaza: Don't do this right now Douma!

Douma: Aww Akaza-Dono don't be like that~

Muzan: Douma focus leave him alone

Douma: Sorry Master Muzan!

Muzan: Back too what we were talking about

Akaza: Everything is basically hard too do and I'm sorry but I can't master

*Muzan sighs*

Akaza: My apologies 

Muzan: I understand where your coming from and I'll ask a different demon

Akaza: Sorry again master

Douma: Akaza-Dono we should get married

Akaza: What the actual fuck is wrong with you Idiot 

Douma: I'm obsessed with you

Emiko: Real obsessed with you so you know Hakūji

*Akaza bows*

Emiko: Noo don't do that!

Akaza: But I have too

Miracle: You don't have too our father tell you too

Hattori: Get up please

Akaza: Yes ma'am

Masaru: I don't think they would want too be called ma'am either?

Douma: Master Masaru

Masaru: Nah don't call me master that shit weird

Urumi: Oi! Masaru it's your turn!

Masaru: My turn for what?

Hāchirō: Too train with uncle of course

Masaru: I don't have time too be training I have a tight schedule 

Akahori: Honestly what do a clueless black head do all day long?

Masaru: You have black hair also Idiot

Akahori: Yet I'm smarter than you

Toriniku: Ugh you Idiots argue every fucking day do me and the family a favor and give yourselves a break would ya?

Kamazuki: Where is Haruka?

Kanami: I don't know

Hetoru: Where is Haruka?!

Haruka: I'm right here uncle

Hetoru: Oh thank the gods

*Alright Time for some Kokudou 🖤*

Kokushibo: What do you see Douma?

Douma: Koku-Dono too be real with you I see nothing

Kokushibo: Are you sure Douma

Douma: Yeah I'm one hundred percent sure Koku-Dono

Kokushibo: Hmm alright

Douma: Akaza-Dono over here!

Akaza's mind: Dammit he would be here

Douma: Let's go meet up with Akaza-Dono Koku-Dono!!

Akaza: Stop right there Idiot

Douma: Can I hug you??

Akaza: Aheh the answer is clearly no you clueless no brainer

*Douma hugs Akaza*

Kokushibo: What brings you in the far woods Hakūji

Akaza: Nothing really just out for Hashira's

Daki: Right more like the fire Hashira then Hashira's

Douma: Kyōjurō?

Daki: Yeah that one

Douma: Why is that Akaza-Dono?

Akaza: Ahhh ok I think that's enough hugging for now

Douma: Do you like Kyōjurō Akaza-Dono?

Akaza: Well it was pleasant seeing you but me and Daki have too find something for Master Muzan

Daki: Wah? no we do- ohhhh yeah later

Kokushibo: Later or whatever?

Douma: I wanna kill Kyōjurō Koku-Dono

Kokushibo: Is it because you have feelings for Akaza?

Douma: Let's just go and don't ask any weird questions ok?

Kokushibo: Ok

Douma: How about we race?!

Kokushibo: Sure I'll give you a head start

Douma: Catch me if you can Koku-Dono!

Kokushibo's mind: What's so good about Akaza  I'm stronger,I'm faster,I'm smarter and I can make friends...well the last ones a lie but whatever

Douma: Koku-Dono I'm gonna win!!

Kokushibo's mind: I want you too see that I love you more than Akaza I love your hair,your big smile,your eyes,your nails and your beautiful personality but you only love Akaza


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