Little Mouse

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It's black. 

Everything's black. 

I see nothing, I feel nothing but peace. 

There is not life, no death, no fear, no Edward... I just needed to see him once more. It didn't matter that he wasn't really there, it didn't matter that I was going crazy. His voice, his face, seeing him one last time before my last breath was all I needed. I can die peacefully now.

For a moment, everything is peaceful. It's fading now though. I'm cold, so very cold. It feels as though I'm moving. I can feel wind on me. I feel as though I'm draped over a moving iceberg, holding onto the cold wet ice for dear life because the iceberg is moving at an exceptionally fast pace. My mind if fatigued but I slowly open my eyes and the wind stings them. Before immediately snapping them shut, I catch a glimpse of brilliant orange hair, dancing in the wind like fire and slapping my face. Everything comes flooding back. Jumping off of the cliff into the water, coldness surrounding me, Edward... I should still be in the water. Why aren't I still in the water?

My head hurts, why does my head hurt?

Did I hit my head? I did. 

Why did I hit my head? Was I trying to get away from something?

What was I trying to get away from? 

Like a light switch being turned on, red flashes into my mind. It was like I saw fire swirling in the water. It was... Victoria.

Victoria is carrying me. She must've pulled me from the water. Why wouldn't she just leave me there? Where were the wolves? My mind is racing. I want to panic. I want to push away from her, but my body is weak. Even if I did manage to pull out of her grasp, the fall to the ground at this speed would likely end me. It doesn't matter though. I'm too tired to fight. Too tired to be scared. I'm so cold, so tired. I just want to sleep. I let the fatigue take over. It's all black again.


I'm paralyzed. 

I can't move as I see the floating fire moving ever so closer. My lungs are on fire. I open my mouth to gasp for air, but it fills with water. The cold saltwater fills my burning lungs, but it offers no relief. The burning spreads as I gargle and choke on ocean water while trying to scream for help. Panic sets in as I realize I'm drowning. I want to swim but I can't.  The floating fire is in front of me now. It isn't fire at all, it's hair. A porcelain angel with a perfect complexion is staring at back at me. Her hair floating and waving in the water around her face. She looks happy. Her eyes; a dark shade of black, twinkling in the water. Her mouth is curved up into a smile. 

The beautiful angel reaches out to me and I can move. I extend my arm out to her and she gently grasps it, bringing my hand up to her face. She looks as if she is inspecting my hand, slowly rolling my arm over and is looking at my wrist now. The fire haired goddess gently brings my wrist to her mouth. I don't fight it. I would do anything to please this creature. She takes her eyes away from my wrist and looks at me, her expression changing. She no longer looks happy, she looks evil. Her smile twisting up over sharpened pointed teeth. Her dark, soulless eyes gleaming with what can only be described as chaos. 

Before I can react it's too late. 

The fire haired creature opens her mouth quickly, biting into my wrist. My blood washes around her lips and into the water, pooling around us. My wrist is burning. I opened my mouth to scream but it once again fills with water and I'm choking. The heat starts spreading from my wrist, coursing through my veins, infecting my body with a scorching fire hotter than the creature's hair. She pulls her lips from my wrist and lets out a sinister laugh that could be heard clearly, unmuffled by the water surrounding us. Her dark black eye color starts changing. Slowly turning blood red, as if her eyes were glass orbs that were filling up from the bottom like liquid filling a container. 

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