The heist

254 5 2

Y/n pov (3 years later)

"Miles turn right.. no not left, right you idiot!"

I say as I see the purple dot turn left and then right.

"My bad mami."

I sigh and type on the keyboard of the PC. 

"there should be a door at the end of the hallway...and stop calling me that! I'm only doing this cause no one else can, we aren't even friends anymore." 

"but..we could be more"

I could hear the smirk in his voice as I continue hacking throughout the firewalls, password and other secret codes, I hack the door opening it for Miles.

"cringey ass, ight there is a computer in the center of the room power it up and plug in the hard drive."

while I wait for Miles to do what I said I rolled the chair over to my other desk and write down the answers for my homework.

 After a minute or so of writing down the answers, the computer started beeping alerting me to turn back and pay attention to the computer.

"ight its loading hold up.."

I say as the loading completes and I passed the like 30th firewall. 


"Mami you are yellin' in my ears..."

"oh I'm sorry and stop calling me that. Get the hard drive and dip there are people coming to the top floor."

"okay.. I'll leave through the balcony."

"ok do you want me to pick you up I don't think you wanna walk all the way from the plaza."

"yeah meet me two blocks away"


I upload the data from the computer to my phone and grab my keys, hoodie and ski mask.

I crank up the car and throw on my ski mask. 

"I'm on my way there mami."

I hear Miles in my earpiece, I start driving to the location he sent me. 



I spot Miles in the alley changed into a wife beater and some sweatpants.

"Get your ass in the car I'm tired and I have a headache!"

I whisper-yelled to Miles as he took his time getting in the car, making my headache worse.


He throws his duffle bag into the back seat and slammed the door as he got in. I start driving to my apartment and look over at him with concern.

"Boy...did you just slam- We're going over to my apartment momma isn't home and you look too tired to walk home cause I'm not taking you."


I sigh as we sit silently as I drive us home.

I parallel parked and turn off the car, I take the keys out as I get out. I looked throughout the keys finding the house key and walking up the 3 flights of stairs Miles following me up.

I unlock the door and hold the door for him. Walking into the kitchen I grab some chips a water and a pill for my headache. (or whatever you'd like)

"Bruh... I got a headache!"

I say as I walk to my room and take the pill I grabbed, Miles hands me the drink I put down. I thank him and take the pill. 

"Why didn't Aaron help you with this one?" 

I say as I lay down and look at the ceiling.

"honestly I don't know for real, he said he was busy. I'm pretty sure he got a girl or sum now.."

"Boy be so for real, Aaron finally getting some pussy?"

He playfully hit my leg and chuckled, I joined him.

My phone dings, I grab it seeing a text from my Momma 

Momma: Girl why the hell is you and Miles coming home at 2am.

Me:Uncle Aaron got busy and couldn't pick Miles up from his Homeboy's house.

Momma: Mhm....Ight girl I'll be at home sometime in the morning, Hopefully.

Me: Ok Momma love you..

*Momma loved a message*

In the corner of my eye I see Miles yawn.

"Miles lay down take a nap or something you don't need to be on guard all the time."

"Only if you let me lay on you Mami"

He smirks

"the fact I know you not joking- Ight bruh come on cause you stubborn anyways"

 He flops on me.

"Ow! bruh..."

I throw the blanket over us while he wraps his arms around my waist one hand seated lower than the other and lays his head on my shoulder.

"get yo hand off my ass Miles."

his hand slowly moves to my thigh slightly squeezing, I roll my eyes and wrap my arms around him.

 "You is bold as fuck you know that?"

He hummed in response.

After a few minutes he fell asleep while I played with his braids.

GAWD DAYUM idk why I struggled with this chapter but I did and it pissed me OFF like... but anyways I'm sorry it's short I tried my best but i'll HOPEFULLY have the next chapter out this weekend IF its not blame school or sum Idk😒💀

(789 words)

- We aint friends - Prowler Miles x fem black readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن