Zac: so look i just got off the phone with Lisa, she wants to go out to dinner with us next Saturday i told her that would be fine

Fatima: that's cool with me i would love that

Zac: good, now can we take a nap? i want to hold you

Fatima: of course baby

The Next Day, Doctors Office

Dr. Smith: How are you Mrs. Taylor? how is baby Taylor?

Fatima: me and baby Taylor are doing great.

Dr: okay great let's get you checked out. lay down and lift your shirt

She does as told and they check on the baby.

Dr: okay baby is growing very well. everything looks great, no issues so i'm glad. you're doing a great job. would you guys like to know the gender?

Zac: YES!

Dr: someone's excited

Fatima: we both are um we do want to know but can you just write it down we plan on having a gender reveal

Zac: i mean we already know it's a girl but you know

Dr: *laughs* okay i'll be back and i'll get your pictures printed

Fatima: thank you doc

The doctor gets the pictures and the envelope with the gender in it and they leave.

Zac: baby when do you want to have to reveal?

Fatima: im thinking within the next month we could hire a planner

Zac: i like the sound of that

Fatima: good, now can we go get my son? i miss him

Zac: of course baby

Saturday, Restaurant

Lisa was already at the restaurant and seated as she waited the arrival of the Taylors. When they showed up, the sat and ordered their drinks and food.

Zac: how you doing Ms. Lisa?

Lisa: i'm good Zac, i just couldn't wait to get a look at this cute little face *pinching his cheeks*

Fatima: he is literally the cutest kid in the world

Lisa: absolutely, if i didn't know any better i would say he's starting to look like you two

Fatima: they do say once you've been around em long enough, you start to look alike

Zac: if that's the case he gets his looks from me, i mean what can i say i'm a handsome guy

Lisa: i'd say Fatima but whatever helps you sleep at night

Fatima laughs

Zac: wowww it's like that?

Lisa: all love, so tell me about this little guy

Zac: oh he LOVES superman

Fatima: Correction, Zac loves superman and Koko just be smiling cause he loves his dad

Zac: oh whatever he loves superman

Lisa: let me guess, he be playing with the toys too?

Fatima: yes! omg my man is a whole ass child

Zac: anywayssss

Fátima: Koko. there's not much to him. He is just a smiley baby, he doesn't cry much. His favorite food is fruit specifically strawberries, the boy loves them

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