Chapter Ten: Showdown

Start from the beginning

The final engagement was tense as both tanks tried to outmaneuver each other on the open grass. Both tried in vain to land hits on each other, and circled around several times before something happened.

Miho spotted Jouko signaling to talk. Having received clearance from Ami to do so, both commanders hopped out of their tanks as their respective teams listened on. The spectators anxiously looked on. Were they about to make an agreement? Was there some offer of surrender or forfeit of the match one of them was making? What could possibly be happening?

"Nishizumi-san, I offer you an honorable duel between each of our tanks to be settled in this field, given we are both on one flag left deactivated. My terms for this duel are simple. We will stay to one half of the field, and not retreat into the forests. I hope you will accept these terms."
Miho pondered for a while. She had advantages in the form of a rotating turret where as Jouko did not. But, Jouko's vehicle was faster and had proven itself more maneuverable. After several seconds of thought, she gave her reply.

"We agree to this duel. Let's finish this once and for all. Besides, heh, I'm beginning to starve anyways, I haven't eaten since coming here in the first place."
With a chuckle, Jouko offered to serve Miho lunch after the match. "Leipajuusto after?"
"Wait, what's that?"
"Finnish bread cheese, I think you'll like it."
"I guess, we'll eat at Anzio after this, I think they'll love your.. erm.. dish!"
With a final handshake, both commanders headed back to their tanks and took their positions on opposite sides of the restricted field. Both commanders gave their final orders, and at the same time, both tanks rumbled to life, speeding towards each other. The spectators watched, immovable.

Jouko fired first, but her shot merely bounced off. Hana's shot did too, and both tanks swerved around for another run. Again, the same result. Again the tanks swerved around, and again both shots bounced. It was a neverending joust, with no visible progress, and it seemed it would drag on for hours. But thoughts of the 63rd Tournament were still filling Jouko's mind. All she had to do was somehow make that Panzer stop moving, drift around, and take that final match-ending shot.

At the 8th run, Jouko took aim, not at the turret, but this time where the driver was. With a well-placed shot, the ricochet was enough for Mako to be temporarily incapacitated, her foot slamming on the brakes, causing the Panzer to grind to a screeching halt.

"Hannes, now!" 

With Hannes jerking the lever to the right, the Sturmi began to drift across the grass, tearing up several patches as it ground its way across the field. By this time, Mako had come to, and was now turning in conjunction with Hana and the turret to try to help her land that shot into the Sturmi. Thoughts were coming to Miho's head in the few seconds that passed. It's just like the 63rd Tournament... Indeed it was, but the main difference was that Miho was on the receiving end of her drift tactic. The turret was able to keep up, and Hana fired a desperate shot at the Sturmi, but it did little to temper the drift.

Seconds passed as the Sturmi completed its drift. Yukari was able to reload in time for Hana to take her next shots, but Jouko's sights were also on the Panzer IV's engine by then. It was going to be close, whoever would get the shot off first won the match. The Sturmi ground to a halt, bringing Jouko's cannon pointing directly at the Panzer's engine. I've got you. Jouko yanked the lever, releasing her shell straight into the engine, but was met immediately after by a heavy bang that knocked her back into her seat. Smoke erupted out of both tanks at the same time, and it was hard to determine a winner, the smoke too dense to make out who had a third white flag and who didn't. The watching crowds were motionless as they waited for the results to appear on screen.

The smoke cleared, and to everyone's surprise, both tanks had 3 white flags sticking out.


"Nishizumi-dono, did we... lose?"
"If that's so, I think I'm gonna cry, then sleep, then cry again, and repeat..."
"I don't think we lost, I'm confident my shot made it into that Sturmi, well, at least I think so."
"Calm, down everyone, let's wait for the smoke to clear. Miho, do you see anything yet?"
Miho was fanning away smoke as she took a look around her tank. 1..2...3 white flags for them, and... 1...2...3 white flags for the Sturmi. Jouko was standing from her cupola as well, and both locked eyes at each other for a few seconds. There was silence, save for the wind rustling and the smoke's cracking.

Ami had made her way to the two tanks to see for herself. Indeed, both tanks had 3 flags sticking out. Both Jouko and Miho jumped out of their tanks to talk with each other, by the looks of things. They noticed Ami walking towards them and jumped down to meet her as their crews watched.

"Well, shall I review the footage to see who fired first?"
Jouko was about to speak, but Miho beat her to it.
"Well, while we were talking, we decided instead to call it a draw. We both fought well and hard."
Jouko continued. "Plus, this is a friendly exhibition match, so a rematch won't be necessary. We're all hungry anyways, I'd love to cook up some meals for not just us, but the spectators too."
Having received this information, Ami reached for her radio, and broadcasted the message.


"The match is concluded in a draw with both tanks having lost three flags each! Both sides have agreed that there will be no rematch!"

The spectators were silent at first. A draw? Almost 3 hours of fighting, maneuvering, and it all ended in a draw. Well, it was sort of expectable, given how good both tank teams were.
After seconds of silence, everyone broke out into applause. The match was just too good to leave in silence, after all.

Momo was disappointed, but she joined in with the others. She wanted Miho to win, given her grudge against Jouko, but her respect of the Finn had developed during the match, and she wanted to learn more from her. Anzu and Yuzu were enthusiastic. This was the greatest match they had ever seen! The rest of Ooarai was enthusiastic too, save for Shark Team, somewhat, given they had not won or lost their bets.

The other schools were impressed as well.
Alice was a bit disappointed, but she did enjoy the match.
"Miho didn't win... but Miho didn't lose either. It was a very enjoyable match. Right, Boko?"

Rumi, again, was awestruck at Jouko. "Well, Jouko, you never cease to amaze me. Like I've said before, Continuation was very lucky to gain a commander like you."
Megumi couldn't help but agree. "Indeed, Rumi, what a great commander she's proven herself to be!"
Azumi saw potential from this match as well. "Megumi, I think there's some lessons to be learned here. Mobility, maneuverability, shooting on the move, so much to learn from this 3-hour battle.

"Nishizumi and the Finn were unable to beat one another, it seems. Their skills are most legendary for Sensha-do."
"Indeed, Erika. But do note that Jouko was able to fight to a draw despite her limitations for her tank, the obvious being the lack of a rotating turret. I have a feeling this will be mentioned in the history books."

"T'was unelegant at times, but nonetheless a very thrilling and bombastic match that has graced our eyes. Wouldn't you say, Assam?"
"Indeed, Darjeeling-sama. Both commanders used the capabilities of their tanks to the full, and each working crew member did their utmost, and what a performance was given!"
However, Pekoe saw an opportunity for a suggestion that might help St. Gloriana get a tournament win for once, given how often they got knocked out in the semifinals each time.
"Darjeeling-sama, do you think we should start to..." Hesitating for a moment, Pekoe continued. "Shouldn't we start changing our style of sensha-do? After all, there's this saying that goes, 'To improve is to change;" Darjeeling finished it for her. "And to be perfect is to change often. Indeed, I think we've been too elegant in our approach to sensha-do, and this match has taught us many lessons. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad to change course..."

"An amazing match, Nishi-san!"
"That is true, Fukuda. The conclusion was most pleasing to the eyes, both charging at each other constantly, it makes the heart well with excitement!"
"An honorable final duel as well, an up and down battle beginning to end."
"Of course, Tamada. The duel was unsurpassed."

"The great Katyusha is pleased with this match! Both commanders fought very well!"
"[An impressive display of comradery at the end as well, wouldn't you think, Klara?]"
"[Da, a very good duel, and a very good agreement to draw.]"
"Alina, you saw it all did you? It was a great match we witnessed, and there's so much to learn!"
"Yes, Nina, I still vividly remember every detail! I'm going to watch this match again and again!"

"A shame it was in a draw, it seems the winds were in all of the sails this match."
"There was nothing much Jouko could have done, Mika-san, she fired at the perfect moment."
"Well, I don't care it was a draw, that was the best match I've ever seen! They need to do a rematch soon,  I need excitement again!"
"Indeed, Aki and Mikko. Come, let's go meet the heroes."

The schools talked over the match, exploring every detail, noting every maneuver pulled off by both tanks, and building upon them. As Miho and Anglerfish Team returned with Jouko and her team talking amongst each other and going over the match they had just fought, they were flocked by everyone. Ooarai was the first to greet them, excitedly asking both teams what it was like fighting in the match, how exciting it must have been to fight, and asking if they would do it again soon. Jouko simply responded, "Sometime in the future, but for now, that's all."

After the match, Anzio and Saunders hosted a luncheon for the spectators, but it was not just them. Jouko had promised to Miho to make Leipajuusto, a cheese bread from Finland, and helped in creating it. Everyone loved it, and kept coming back for more. Everyone's stomachs were eventually filled, and the students talked with each other about the match as the day dragged on. Jouko talked with Ooarai the most, given the team she fought was from there.

Rabbit Team was excited talking to her.
"Jouko-san, those drifts and moves were so cool!"
"Please teach us someday, we want to be as good as you and Nishizumi-san!"
"Even Saki got a bit excited in the final duel, and she rarely gets excited about things!"

Anteater Team, as always, bragged about their highscores.
"Check out these highscores! We hoped to give Miho a chance with 'em, but looks like the best we got was a draw. Great match from the both of you though, hope to game with you soon."

The History Club brought up their history knowledge like they always did.
"You really fought like Simo Häyhä that match, although with more focus on his close-combat. He managed to accumulate 200 kills with a submachine gun as squad leader!"
"We should fight you in a one-on-one duel soon, given we have the same vehicles. That final duel was like those of the samurai of old!"

Turtle Team, by far, showed the most enthusiasm for Jouko.
"Wowwee! What a match you fought! My blood was pumping through the entire thing, I'm surprised I didn't have a stroke!"
"It was very good from start to finish, I could watch it all day! Please, let's have a school rematch soon, we'd love to fight again!"
"Well, I was hoping Miho would win, but you've really shown us your true potential. Good job, but I'm still a bit bummed out over a draw for that match-"
"Aw, come on, Momo, show some enthusiasm for her at least!"

However, Jouko and her friends spent much time with Maho and Kuromorimine. She respectfully addressed the school's strategies of the Nishizumi doctrine, and was pleased with Erika's development of her own Sensha-do, being more mobile and agile with her units, which won her the match against Pravda. Jouko and Maho engaged in a friendly debate, discussing the pros and cons of both their strategies without losing any degree of respect. Jouko was an advocate of mobile, dispersed, independent warfare, while the Nishizumi style was focused on brute force and breakthroughs. They spent much of the luncheon debating, although they occasionally remembered to eat. After the debates, they told each other about how good of a match it was, and Maho expressed hopes of another match with Continuation, this time with Jouko participating for once. They also discussed music, talked about the backgrounds of the pieces and the composers, and listened to some pieces whilst eating.

As the schools departed, Jouko met with her school, who greeted her with cheers and excitement. Returning to the school carrier, they discussed the match where Jouko expressed considerations of switching tanks for one that had a rotating turret. But, that meant leaving the perfect four-man crew of the Sturmi, and she and her three friends were a good fit for it. Ultimately, though, she decided to stay with the Sturmi. Sure, it didn't have a rotating turret, but it was perfect for sniping, and sniping was, after all, her main mojo.


And so, that was that. Ultimately, it was just an exhibition match, no stakes, just a learning experience for all. Many lessons had been learned, and the footage of the match would be used by many schools' sensha-do teams, at least, many planned to after the match. Back at the carrier, Jouko continued to train hard on Sensha-do with her teammates, but never forgot about Finland and her hometown. She continued to consistently communicate with her family members and friends, expressing a wish to return soon. She continued to help Continuation fight in several tournaments, and later became their commander after Mika stepped down to allow Jouko the position the year before graduation. Laying the foundations for a great Sensha-do team, Jouko taught each tanker on gunnery, the best place to shoot your shot, and shooting on the move. Hannes, Löfström, and Frisell taught driving, reloading, and radio operating respectively, and were crucial in building the ideal tank crew for Continuation. 


64th National High School Sensha-do Tournament
The 64th Tournament finally came around, but with several differences. Turtle Team had graduated, and there was a new team comprised of several freshmen who manned the Type 3 Chi-Nu to full capacity whilst the previous Anteater Team took over the Hetzer. Fighting through St. Gloriana, Saunders, Kuromorimine, and all of the other legendary schools, Continuation, under Jouko's leadership, fought its way to the finals, where it was paired against Ooarai, for the second time in a tournament.

"Well, Miho-sama, we meet again! It's great to fight against you and Ooarai again, and this time I won't be pulling any snipes, I can assure you."
"Well, that's great to hear, Jouko-san, I love us some close-quarters combat anyway. Let's have a great match today, and end the tournament with a bang!"

Both teams bowed, and ran to their tanks.
"Frisell, transmit to everyone our plan. Hannes, drive like crazy once we get into contact, avoid as many shells as possible. Löfström, be sure to reload as fast as you can, we'll be in heavy combat for most of the battle."

Taking several final deep breaths before the match as their radio operators transmitted their commanders' orders over their respective radios to their teams, Jouko and Miho, almost at the same time, gave the order that would officially begin the match that would likely be their last before graduating from high school. With sharp, clear tones, both commanders shouted the usual, iconic words into their radios:

"Panzer vor!"


(AN: Finally, this took a total of 3 hours to make. I hope you all enjoyed this fanfic, it was a blast making it, though I could've made the aftermath of the match better-written. I may work on a darker fanfic in the future though I'm still contemplating whether I should work on it. So far, my ideas are revolving around a Night of the Long Knives-esque purge executed by Maho after the events of the 62nd Tournament, with tweaks to the original canon, but like I said earlier I'm unsure whether I'll go through with it. Stay tuned to find out, though I'm unlikely to make it.

Hope you enjoyed A Saga of Jouko, and as always feel free to give me suggestions!)

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