Chapter 6: Dismay

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Third Person POV

After a week

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden hue over the landscape, Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji found themselves standing on a cliff, overlooking a serene vista. The gentle breeze danced through the trees, carrying with it a sense of tranquility and contemplation.

Turning to his younger brother, Lan Xichen's voice held a mix of curiosity and concern. "Wangji, have you ever wondered where Wei Wuxian might be now?" he asked, his eyes scanning the horizon as if seeking answers from the vast expanse before them.

Lan Wangji, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon, took a moment to reflect on the question. Memories of their shared battles and Wei Wuxian's departure weighed heavily on his heart. With a soft sigh, he replied, his voice filled with a blend of longing and determination.

"Brother, Wei Wuxian is a free spirit," Lan Wangji began, his voice tinged with a touch of fondness. "He follows his own principles and continues to fight for justice in his own unique way. Wherever he may be, I believe he is on a journey, protecting the innocent and seeking to make a difference."

Lan Xichen nodded, his eyes reflecting a deep understanding. He had witnessed firsthand Wei Wuxian's unwavering dedication and the profound impact he had on those around him.

In the tranquil silence that enveloped them, Lan Wangji's gaze remained fixed on the horizon, a steely determination shining in his eyes. The beauty of the landscape mirrored the bittersweet emotions that filled their hearts. They found solace in knowing that Wei Wuxian's journey continued, even if their paths had temporarily diverged.

As the colors of the sky deepened, Lan Wangji whispered, his voice carrying a heartfelt promise, "If ever the need arises, I will not hesitate to call upon his name. Wei Ying, my dear friend."

XiChen smiled warmly, his hand gently patting his brother's shoulder. "Let's head back," he suggested, turning towards their uncle who was engaged in conversation with one of the disciples.

Together, they made their way, their hearts filled with a sense of hope and the knowledge that their paths would cross with Wei Wuxian's once again.

As the night descended, Jin Guangshan, the cunning Clan Leader of the Jin Sect, found himself deep in thought inside a dimly lit room. The flickering candlelight cast shadows across his face as he contemplated his next move. The recent victory over Sect Leader Wen had given him a surge of confidence, and he saw an opportunity to further his ambitions by hosting a grand banquet.

Jin Guangshan envisioned the banquet as a celebration of their triumph, a chance to gather all the clans and bask in the glory of their victory. But deep down, his true motives lay in seizing the opportunity to claim the coveted role of Chief Cultivator, the ruler of the Cultivation World. He believed that the time was ripe to assert his dominance and secure his place at the pinnacle of power.

Little did Jin Guangshan know, however, that his aspirations were nothing more than an illusion. Unbeknownst to him, the other sect leaders had already made their decision, and his chances of becoming Chief Cultivator had already slipped away.

Now that the Wen Sect had been vanquished and Wen Rouhan was no more, Jin Guangshan believed it was their time to ascend and govern the so-called foolish Cultivators.

With a devious smile, he dispatched invitations to all the prominent sects that had taken part in the war. Among them were the Qinghe, Yunmeng, and Gusu sects. Jin Guangshan had a special mission in mind for his trusted son, Jin Guangyao. He wanted him to travel to these sects, spreading the word of the upcoming banquet and furthering their influence.

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