He shall love

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Ever since you left, I have not been able to love. And I don't just mean people.

I can't watch the shows I used to tell you all about.

I can't play the songs we'd listen to together.

I can't eat at the places I took you on dates to.

It is an unforgiving feeling you have left me with. Everything in the world feels different ever since you left me the way you did.

I feel I cannot love again, atleast not in the same way I used to. To love again, I feel like I have to change my perspective of the concept.

It's all a bit messy.

All I feel on a daily basis is a heavy feeling of nostalgia. And not even just for the times we had together.

I am beginning to miss the times of my life before we ever met, when it was all so much simpler.

Before I was writing notes about you on my phone, shrouded by the street light pouring through my window at 1AM, listening to the type of music the audience would hear at the end of a movie, as the hero collapses and dies whilst watching the sunrise.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I want to love again. I want to love so badly, but I know that it cannot be in the way I loved you.

I have to learn to love things in a different way. Because the idea I once had of love, was destroyed from the moment you left.

I'm so hopeful and excited for my future, but at the same time, I'd give anything to be able to do it all over again, just to feel the love I once had for the world, and ofcourse, you.

Because I am starting to forget how to love things. How to appreciate things.

I guess the old me perished, along with the love he held in his heart.

The new me is yet to find a new outlook on love, but he will.

He will heal. He's already made so much progress. He doesn't cry himself to sleep at night anymore. He doesn't think about you constantly. That's not to say he doesn't still think of you, he does.

But eventually, within time, you shall fade from his memory entirely.

And when that day comes, as the sun rises on the day he doesn't think of you not even once, he shall breathe easier. He shall smile greater.

He shall love.

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