Heart Neath Misreading

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Heeseung is up to something, Sunghoon is sure.

He doesn’t know yet what Heeseung is planning or what for, but something has to be happening. Heeseung has always been a little awkward towards him, Sunghoon guessed, but it never bothered him. It was honestly kind of endearing, even. It’s in the way he used to stammer around him, and shy away from his touches. It always leaves Sunghoon feeling warm inside and maybe he developed a small crush on the clumsy but confident alpha. His crush only grows with every chance he gets to see Heeseung perform.

However, Heeseung’s awkwardness has taken a bad turn recently, and it leaves Sunghoon with the impression that Heeseung thinks very lowly of him. He isn’t sure what brought the sudden change, but he thinks it has to do with him being an omega. Honestly, he doesn’t want to think that Heeseung would be like those alphas, but with every one of his actions, Sunghoon is more and more convinced.

Sunghoon decides the best thing he can do, is make a list. It starts with the van’s door.

It seems to be a pretty innocuous thing, after all, it is just a door. Which is probably why Sunghoon has taken a couple of weeks to notice there was something off. Somehow, Heeseung always manages to be before Sunghoon to get on the van, but he never enters it first. What Heeseung does is hold the door open for Sunghoon and let him go first, then he helps him get down. And yes, it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, maybe Heeseung’s just polite. But it only happens with him.

Sunghoon doesn’t have much of a parameter of comparison, because somehow Heeseung is never before anyone else to get on the van. Yet, Sunghoon has seen two instances of someone else being after Heeseung and he hadn’t acted that way. One of them was even Riki, and Heeseung always does everything for Riki. Which, to Sunghoon, means that this is something specific for him. Heeseung must think he’s incapable of opening the door for himself. Heeseung must think he’s helpless enough to need assistance to get out of a van. It’s not even that high and he’s almost Heeseung’s high, he shouldn’t be treated like this.

After noticing the first sign of Heeseung treating him differently, Sunghoon notices the second instance: he always takes his plate after they are done eating, if they are eating together.

Again, it seems innocent enough and Sunghoon actually doesn’t mind this one as much, but it strikes him as weird. Like, really, Heeseung is just taking the empty plate to the sink for him, that’s not that bad since he also has to take his own. What bothers Sunghoon is that, first, Heeseung doesn’t ask if he wants him to take the plate; and two, he never does it for anyone else, not without prompting at least. Again, it makes Sunghoon think Heeseung sees him as someone less capable.

He’d think he’s being paranoid. Maybe Heeseung’s just trying to be a nice hyung, a helpful friend, but Sunghoon can’t fully accept that as an explanation.

And the Heeseung starts helping him with his clothes.

Nothing too outrageous, just with his jackets and hats at first. Somehow, Heeseung is always around when Sunghoon is about to put on a hat or take off his jacket. It gets worse when he starts helping him with his shoes. Sunghoon tells him he can do it himself, but Heeseung insists and he has a hard time denying him for a second time. Especially because he is sometimes taken off guard when he’s too sleepy to realise how weird it all is. And even then, it isn’t the fact that Heeseung seems to want to do all these things for him, but that he’s only doing them for him. He tries for a while to see if he catches Heeseung helping any of the other members in the same way he does for him, but he doesn’t notice it even once.

It’s just weird and it annoys Sunghoon a bit, but it isn’t harmful so he lets it slide. For the moment, at least.

And then Heeseung’ starts doing more for him. He gets him food as often as possible, buys him water if he even mentions being thirsty, attempts to dry his hair in several occasions —he’s successful twice—, he sorts out his jewellery and Sunghoon is sure there are now new rings and earing in there. Sunghoon has caught Heeseung making his bed for him once too, which just doesn’t make sense. Heeseung doesn’t make his own bed, why would he even go through the trouble of making Sunghoon’s?

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