Despite our heartfelt pleas and efforts to assert our desires, our parents remain adamant in their decision to go through with the arranged marriage between Alexander and me. They firmly believe in upholding the family tradition, convinced that it is for the best and that it will bring prosperity and stability to both families.

The pressure from our parents increases, and I find myself feeling suffocated by their expectations. They continually remind me of the importance of fulfilling our family's traditions and the responsibilities that come with it. The weight of their disapproval hangs heavily over me, and I feel torn between the love I have for Alexander and my desire to make my parents proud.

Throughout this ordeal, Alexander remains a constant source of support. He reassures me that he will stand by my side, no matter the outcome, and that he understands the immense burden I am facing. Together, we try to find moments of solace and escape, seeking refuge in the bond we share.

As the day of the wedding draws nearer, which apparantly was to happen at the end of this vacation here in Thasos. I feel like I am losing control over my own life, and the thought of marrying Alexander without a true foundation terrifies me. But the weight of tradition and the expectations of my family leave me feeling helpless and trapped.

As the wedding day arrives, I feel a sense of numbness engulfing me. I dress in the bridal gown, my hands trembling as I prepare for a future I did not choose. Alexander's presence brings some comfort, but I can see the strain in his eyes as well. We exchange solemn vows, promising to stand by each other's side, but the happiness that should accompany such a momentous occasion is replaced by a sense of resignation.

As the wedding celebrations continue, my heart feels heavy, and I find myself retreating into a shell,  I have become a prisoner of tradition and expectations.


As the day of the wedding approached, I found myself torn between my love for Selene and the weight of tradition and family expectations. While I cherished the bond we had formed during our time in Thasos, I couldn't ignore the fact that our marriage was not built on a foundation of genuine love and mutual choice.

As much as I wanted to respect Selene's feelings and desires, I couldn't bear the thought of disappointing my own family and breaking the long-standing tradition. The pressure to fulfill our families' wishes weighed heavily on my shoulders, and I felt like I was on the brink of losing everything I held dear.

On the morning of the wedding, I stood before the mirror, adjusting my tie, and my reflection showed a mix of emotions - uncertainty, sadness, and a lingering glimmer of hope. I remember the day we met on the beach, Selene's wide eyes filled with wonder and excitement as she experienced the beauty of the island for the first time. Little did we know that our parents had planned this meeting since we were children, intending for us to be married one day. That day was today.

As the ceremony began, I looked into Selene's eyes and saw the same turmoil that I was feeling in my own heart. We exchanged vows, trying to muster up the strength to accept our fate, but the sense of resignation was palpable.

 I would try my best to be the husband Selene needed, to support her dreams and aspirations, but I couldn't ignore the fact that our marriage was built on a shaky foundation.

"I now present to you, for the first time, mr. and mrs. Vilas."


As the wedding celebrations wound down, Selene and I found ourselves in the beautifully decorated bridal suite. The room was adorned with flowers and soft candlelight, creating an ambiance of intimacy and warmth. I could see the mixture of emotions in Selene's eyes - a blend of nervousness and a hint of vulnerability.

Taking her hands in mine, I gazed into her eyes, trying to convey all the love and reassurance I felt. "Are you okay, Selene?" I asked softly.

She nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Yes, I am. It's just... everything feels so surreal."

"I understand," I replied, gently brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "But we're in this together, remember? No matter what happens, I'll always be here for you."

Her smile grew a bit wider, and I felt a sense of relief wash over me. We had come a long way from the fateful day we met on the beach, and I was grateful that our friendship had only grown stronger through the challenges we faced.

As the night progressed, we shared quiet moments of laughter and conversation and enjoying each other's company, for a moment we were not weighted down by expectation. We exchanged stories from our childhood, our dreams for the future, and everything in between. The more we talked, the more I realized how lucky I was to have Selene as my partner.

As the clock struck midnight, we both knew that it was time to retire to the bedroom. Standing at the edge of the bed, I turned to Selene, who seemed a bit uncertain. I reached for her hands, drawing her closer to me. "Selene, there's no rush. We can take our time," I reassured her.

She nodded, her eyes meeting mine, and I could see the trust she had in me. "Thank you, Alexander."

With a gentle kiss on her forehead, I helped her slip off her bridal gown, revealing the simple yet elegant nightdress underneath. I couldn't help but feel a surge of protectiveness and love for her.


As I stood in the softly lit bridal suite, I felt a mix of emotions swirling inside me -  nervousness and a tinge of vulnerability. The day had been a whirlwind of events, and now, in the intimate space with Alexander, I was finally alone with my thoughts.

As he approached me, taking my hands in his, I looked into his eyes, seeking comfort in his presence. "Are you okay, Selene?" he asked gently.

I managed a small smile, grateful for his concern. "Yes, I am. It's just... everything feels so surreal."

Alexander brushed a strand of hair away from my face, his touch sending a wave of reassurance through me. "I understand," he replied softly. "But we're in this together, remember? No matter what happens, I'll always be here for you."

His words melted away some of my worries, and I felt a sense of calm wash over me. We had faced so much together already, and I knew that I could trust him with my heart.

As the night progressed, we found solace in each other's company. We talked and laughed, forgetting for a moment the weight of the expectations and traditions that surrounded us. Our conversations flowed easily, and I realized how much we truly had in common.

We reminisced about our childhood memories, shared dreams for the future, and exchanged stories that made us laugh and sometimes even shed a tear. In that moment, it felt like we were just two friends, unburdened by the weight of the world.

As midnight approached, we both knew it was time to retire to the bedroom, to begin our life together as husband and wife. Standing by the bed, Alexander turned to me, and I saw the affection and respect in his eyes.

"Selene, there's no rush," he said, his voice filled with warmth. "We can take our time,"

His words touched my heart, and I felt grateful for his understanding and patience. "Thank you, Alexander," I whispered.

With his help, I slipped off my bridal gown, feeling vulnerable and exposed in the simple nightdress that was underneath. His eyes softened, and I could see the surge of protectiveness and care he held for me. In any other circumstance, this moment would have been filled with excitement and anticipation, but the weight of tradition had cast a shadow on our relationship.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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