would you run away with me? (requested)

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"Taylor? Tay, are you okay?" You yelled as you hurried into your girlfriend's house.

You just heard what happened with the Kanye situation and your heart is hurting deeply for your girlfriend as you watch the world turn on her.

You could hear her crying in her bedroom as you reached the doorway.

You've only been dating Taylor for a couple of months but already, you're head over heels for her and you would do anything for her.

You opened the door and watched her lift her head from the pillow to look at you with red and teary eyes and tear-stained cheeks.

"I saw." You said as you walked to her. "Are you okay, darling?"

"No." She sniffled. "Have you seen what people are saying about me? They hate me. The whole world hates me for something I didn't even do."

"I know, baby."

"I don't know how I'm ever going to bounce back from this. I don't think I should be seen for a while. Part of me wonders if I should go into hiding or something."

"Taylor, if you feel like you need to take a step back for a while, that's something I completely support you on. I just ask one thing."


"Don't leave me behind."

She sniffled as she took your hand into hers.

"Darling, wherever I go, you come with me."

"Tay," You smiled before reaching out to caress her cheek softly.

You dried her tears as she hung her head.

"How do you go from the whole world adoring you to the whole world hating you in such a short matter of time? How can people act as though everything is my fault? They twisted everything around so it looks like I'm the bad guy."

You just nodded your head as you listened to her talk.

"He's never treated me fairly. But to treat me this way, knowing full well that his fans would rally around him and treat me this way, is so gross. I just can't believe he'd ever do such a thing to me. It's a new low, even for him."

"I know."

"People are canceling me. They're saying I'm over. People are painting murals saying I'm dead. The things they're doing and saying about me make me feel... worthless. What do you do when the whole world hates you, Y/N?"

"Taylor, the whole world doesn't hate you. You still have a lot of fans that adore you. Plus, you have me."

She smiled a little.

"People can be so mean and hateful. But soon enough, it'll pass. Until then, take a step back. It's okay to do that."

She squeezed your hand and then looked into your eyes before asking you,

"Would you run away with me?"

You didn't hesitate to answer her.


Even though you haven't been together long, it felt right.

You love Taylor and if she wanted to run away and hide from the world for a while, you'd be there with her every step of the way.

"I'm yours, Taylor. I've got you. If that's what you want, that's what we'll do. Just tell me and we'll go wherever you want to go."

She laid her head on your shoulder with a sigh and held you in her arms as you held her too.

You didn't know what the future held.

It seemed a little dark and unknown right now.

But one thing was for sure - you've got each other to lean on.

And with everything going on right now, that's all you and Taylor really need.

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