Episode 1 - Academy

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Cars are running on the bridge. One of them is a container containing Azurium - a crystal used as an energy source and for energy conversion. It is currently being used to power Cyberaya. That car is being protected from Komeng by three agents - Agent Ali, Agent Alicia, and Agent Bakar.

"I have visuals. Target on the move." Ali said, still staring at the truck. "Okay, stick to the plan. Synchronize our attacks." Bakar reminds everyone to start the mission.

"Ready everyone?" Bakar asked again one last time. "I'm ready," Alicia responded. "Ali? Ali?" He called Ali but got no response. He picked up the binoculars and discovered that Ali was not standing in the arranged position.

"Ali, where are you? Why aren't you in position?" Bakar began to raise his voice, wondering where Ali was standing. "Don't worry, leave it all to me," Ali smirked and spoke.

Komeng was driving when he heard a scream. Turns out Ali was swinging towards him. But life is not like a dream, instead of landing on Komeng's motorbike, he passed him because Komeng had turned his head elsewhere.

When Ali turned around, he realized he was about to crash into another car. Ali screamed before slamming his face into the car window. Bakar and Alicia could only sigh at Ali's clumsy. "Alicia, let's go. Plan B." Bakar immediately changed his plan.

The driver in the car ignored his surroundings. When the retainers opened the lid of the barrel, when Bakar had been there, no one knew. Noticing Bakar's presence, Komeng commands his retainers to take care of him.

Bakar dodged all of the enemy's attacks and evaded them. When someone was rushing out from behind, a projectile hit him. It was Alicia's projectile. She also fires more projectiles to prevent enemies from reaching Bakar. The subordinates stop Bakar and, in the meantime, Bakar sees Komeng rushing forward.

"Alicia, cover the driver!" Bakar reminded Alicia, trying not to mess up the mission. The driver was still busy listening to music. Alicia was aiming at Komeng with her slingshot but the roof of the bridge was blocking her view. "Ish! Negative! He's out of range!" Alicia informed Bakar.

Meanwhile, Ali is racing to catch up with Alicia and Bakar. And he had slowed down and was standing between two entourages who were driving. "Is this your top speed?" Ali said with a sarcastic tone

When someone was about to pull out a stick to hit him Comot - who was on Ali's back - jumped up and scratched him, When the other person was bewildered and did not understand what was going on, Ali used his yoyo to wrap tightly the hand that was holding the throttle of his motorbike.

"Want to go on a ride?" Ali started mocking the man. When the person was begging not to do it, Ali just smiled and sped forward, accompanied by the sound of the enemy's screams. While driving, Ali also made another entourage fall out of the car. "Ali! Go after Komeng!" Bakar reminded Ali to return to duty.

Ali smirked and darted forward. When he was out of reach of the truck, Komeng turned the motorcycle and sped towards the top of the container truck. He did a wheelie on his motorbike and opened the sharp cogs on the wheel.

Ali saw that and jumped up and swung his yoyo towards Komeng. Komeng didn't have time to dodge, Yoyo hit him, and the motorbike exploded. He screamed in despair as he fell from the bridge. All agents gathered in the container truck. Ali looked at Alicia with a triumphant expression.

"Oh, I win this time around" Ali cheered and turned his head towards Alicia. Alicia just frowned and sobbed as the container truck sped off the bridge.

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"It doesn't matter who did it. But we must accomplish this together." While walking, Bakar is reminding the young agents. Ali saw Alicia frowning. "Don't feel bad, Alicia. How about a drink? My treat." Ali proudly boasted. "...Uhh, fine," Alicia said in a grumpy voice.

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