十九 ; Obi Sash

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I skipped past a lot of this arc, but in all honesty I'm just excited for the angst and the fights.
Enjoy :)


— "I'M TELLING YOU, THERE'S A DEMON AT MY HOUSE!" Inosuke insisted irritably, throwing his hands around wildly.

"Yeah, I believe you. Anyway, we need to-" Tanjiro nods.

"I'm telling you, it looked like this!" Inosuke made a shape with his hands. "You know what I mean, like this!"

"Right, yeah, of course. But we need to focus on-"

"And then it looked like this!" Inosuke threw his hands above him. "I couldn't be any clearer here if I tried!"

"Sure. Anyway, we need to wait for Zenitsu, to see what he's found."

"Zenitsu won't be coming." two voices say in unison. Tanjiro and Inosuke turn to see both Uzui and Hikari stood on the roof, having seemingly appeared.

'They didn't make a sound. Not even the slightest puff of air. They're the real deal.'  Inosuke thinks in awe.

"I feel bad for bringing you three here. I was so caught up in my hope to save my wives, I forgot about the real mission." Uzui muses.

"As it stands, Zenitsu is missing." Hikari says lowly.

"You three should leave, and just let me and Kyoudo do this ourselves. You're too low-ranked for this." Uzui adds, frowning.

"W-Wait! But, Uzui-san, we can help! We want to save your wives too!" Tanjiro insisted.

"Yeah! And beat up the demon!" Inosuke adds with determination.

"Life is all about survival. So take this chance and get out." Uzui says finally before disappearing.

Hikari stayed still on the roof, much to the confusion of the two Demon Slayers.

"Kyoudo-san?" Tanjiro said nervously. "Are you... okay?"
He carefully approached Hikari, who turned around right as he was about to tap her on the shoulder.

"Uzui cares a lot about his wives." Hikari said. "If anything were to happen to them, he'd go berserk. Which is why he willingly brought you with him. He may tell you to leave, but he needs you. All three of you. That's why he's kept you here. This may be the first time he's asking you to leave, but it will be the last. Keep at your mission. It's vital for success."

"Wh-What...?" Tanjiro tilts his head, confused.

"Keep doing what you're doing. Don't let up, we're close." Hikari smiled, before disappearing.

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