Chapter 20: Back to the Future

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Lorraine then gave Marty and Chris a kiss and with George and sat with the rest of the family for breakfast

Oh, Marty I almost forgot Jennifer Parker called said Linda

Oh, I sure like her Marty, she's such a sweet girl said Lorraine

Isn't tonight the night of the big date? she asked

What mom? Marty asked confused

Are you going up to the lake tonight?, you've planning it for two weeks Lorraine said

But Mom, how is Marty supposed to go on his date?, the car's wrecked remember? said Chris

Wrecked?! they all said

Everyone in the family started to get freaked about the car, until George calmed them down and opened the front door to see their car fine and dandy, and Marty and Chris then saw Biff now in his late 40's, waxing their dad's car, and judging by the tow truck in the driveway he now owned his own auto detailing business

See there's Biff out there waxing it right now George reassured them

Now Biff, I want to make sure we get two coats of wax this time, not just one George reminded Biff

Just finishing up the second coat now Biff answered

Now Biff, don't con me! said George sternly

I-I'm sorry Mr. McFly, I meant I was just starting on the second coat said Biff nicely

Ah Biff what a character, always trying to get away with something said George

This surprised Marty and Chris, Biff the guy who bullied their father in high school was being friendly to him, at first they didn't what to think of all this, they suddenly realized that they not only changed their parent's futures, they actually made them better, George was now confident and knew how to stand up for himself and Lorraine was happy and content with the life she has, and Biff was no longer the angsty bully he was when he was a teenager they looked at each other and saw this might be a good thing

Had to top Biff ever since high school George reminisced

although if wasn't for them

We'd never would've fallen in love Lorraine said

Lorraine and George shared a sweet kiss, then Biff came inside holding a big box, clearly excited to show them was came in the mail

Mr. McFly, Mr. McFly this arrived, I think it's your new book said Biff

Lorraine then opened up the box to reveal ten copies of George's first published book, a science fiction novel called A Match Made in Space, and according to the letter inside the box it was scheduled to be released in bookstores on November 12th, the 30 year anniversary of his first kiss with Lorraine

Oh honey, your first novel said Lorraine

Like I've always told you kids, If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything said George as he handed the first copies of his book to Marty and Chris

Biff then went over to Marty and handed him some car keys which he was confused by as he didn't have a car yet

Marty, Marty here's your keys you're all waxed up ready for tonight said Biff as he handed Marty some car keys

Keys? said Marty confused

Marty and Chris then went outside to the garage and to Marty's surprise and shock, in the garage was the car he had been wanting for months, a Toyota RS5 Pickup Truck, he then looked at the car and he had no words to say, suddenly he and Chris heard a familiar voice that he hadn't heard a week

Back to the Future: Brothers in Timeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن