17. the confrontation between the protagonist and the villainess

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He nodded slightly and was about to leave when he suddenly stood still at the door. "You know, Iー I'm sorry for forcing you to study even though I knew that you were feeling unwell. If I ever did something like that to you again, yoー you can hit me or... do whatever you want to me."

You were taken aback by his apology. After all, never once did you think it was Chen Miao's fault or anyone else's fault for that matter. Things just happened. Still, you didn't tell him that. "Alright. If you ever did something like that to me again, expect that I will have my ways with you, okay?"

You heard his breath hitched at your words and after a second, he quickly ran out of the room, leaving you laughing at his behavior.

You waited for a minute before jumping off the bed, throwing the koolfever attached on your forehead in the nearby trashcan. You then glanced at the chat screen and decided that you would be a fool to rely on these idiots. After all, you were pretty sure that none of them knew where Kai is. Thankfully, Chen Miao's house isn't that large so you're confident that you can find him in no time, but that's only if Kai really is inside this house.

After a few minutes, your search remained futile, but you didn't feel anxious, probably because you weren't scared of Chen Miao? Or because you trusted that he won't hurt you? Anyway, you continued searching until eventually, you arrived in front of the white door that you've never had the chance to enter despite living for several timelines already.

You turned the doorknob around and found that it wasn't locked.

Pushing the door open, you found that the light inside weren't turn off so you took a peek, but as expected, there's no stairs leading to a creepy basement nor there are torture devices inside. It's just a storage full of unused, broken things and cleaning equipments. You frowned and went in, looking left and right for any sign of the transfer student but find none.

After a while, you stopped in front of an old television placed on top of a shelf.

You noticed that there was a strange mark on the screen, shaped like a handprint, so you tried to touch it to verify whether that strange mark was simply a speck of dust or some kind of unknown liquid, but found nothing stuck on your fingers. You tried once again but the surface of the screen was smooth without any dirt. It was then did you realize that the handprints came from the inside of the screen.

ーalmost as if someone was trying to get out.

You took a step back at the thought, chuckling in disbelief. How can that be? In no way would a person fit inside a TV screen that's only as big as a human's face.

『This is interesting. Was that handprint made from blood or other substances?』

『wow i'm invested. even in the previous season, viewers usually dont get the chance to see the actor being saved. i'm glad i stick around long enough to see this』

『this is scary (QAQ)』

『break the screen! who knows if we get to see kai's head preserved inside』

『am i the only one fearing for the life of that npc? chen miao wont kill her right? in movies, this would be the part where the killer comes back』

『you dont need to search anymore ah. quickly go to bed before chen miao came back (QAQ)』

『no! our kai's safety is important. let her do her job! she's an npc anyway』

『even if shes an npc doesnt mean she doesnt have a life of her own! at least if the actors died they can still live in the real world but what will happen if an npc died? you dont know what will happen to her so stop assuming that she will be alright』

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