"Let's just say you're gonna need a new one," Caitlin says.

"Oh, Caitlin, I'm afraid I have to cut this reunion short. No outside visitors allowed on the island." Chase says.

"Ugh, still that guy, huh, Chase?" Caitlin says. "Your sister wants me to stay, right?"

"No," I say.

"You know what, sure," Bree says.

"Really?" Chase says.

"What?!" I say at the same time.

"Good answer, Bree," Caitlin says. Chase pulls Bree and me to the side.

"What are you doing? You can't stand her." Chase says.

"But that was back in high school. I have matured. I am a mentor now. I have changed." Bree says.

"Yeah, but she hasn't," I say.

"I know we've had our petty squabbles in the past, but we're beyond that. Plus, it'll be nice to have a girlfriend to hang out with for a couple of days." Bree says, walking over to Caitlin.

"Couple weeks, Bree," Caitlin says.

"Good to see you, too, old friend," Bree says.


In the Mentor's Quarters, Adam and Leo were sitting on the couch when Tasha walked in. "How are you feeling today, honey?" She asks Leo.

"Oh, I'm good. Thanks." Adam says.

"I'm okay but just to be sure, you should probably whip up some of your oatmeal cookies," Leo says. "And don't be shy with the raisins."

"Coming right up," Tasha says as she walks toward the kitchen.

"Uh, I'll take a ham sandwich," Adam says.

"Are you injured?" Tasha says, turning to him.

Adam picks up a silver bowl from the table and smashes it against his knee, making him yell in pain. "Ugh, my knee. I'll take mustard on that."

In the cafeteria, Bree was sitting at a table eating her lunch while Caitlin was looking at her. "What's up, Caitlin?" Bree says.

"Still wearin' your hair like that, huh?" Caitlin says.

"What's wrong with my hair?" Bree says.

"Nothing. Looks great, as long as you're not leaving the island." Caitlin says. Bob walks into the cafeteria.

"Knock, knock. Who's there? Stud muffin." Bob says.

"Ugh, here comes Bob." Bree groans.

"Who's Bob?" Caitlin says.

"He's just this little kid who's crushing on me. Just to warn you, it can get super awkward." Bree says.

"Hey, pretty lady," Bob says, walking over to Bree.

"Hey, Bob," Bree says.

"Hi. I'm Caitlin, the girl Bree models her entire life after." Caitlin says with a smile, turning to Bob. Bob starts to levitate in the air as his mouth drops in awe of Caitlin, finding her beautiful.

"Bob? Why are you levitating?" Bree says.

"It's like I'm looking at an angel," Bob says.

"Bob? Bob? Bob!" Bree shouts, causing Bob to fall to the ground.

"Oh, he's cute," Caitlin says.

"You think I'm cute? She thinks I'm cute! She thinks I'm cute! She thinks I'm cute!" Bob screams as he runs out of the cafeteria.

Lab Rats: Bionic Island Season 4Where stories live. Discover now