Chapter 2: Her 'love'

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Val is now dating a supermodel named Reina. But.. Reina don't treat him well. In front of everyone, she's a perfect, beautiful model.. While behind everyone, she abused Val so bad. Sydney knows about this, but Val resist when Sydney said she'll call the police..

Val is sitting at the living room, checking his laptop and editing some paragraphs of a novel.. Reina walks in and sits next to him,

"Hello babe.." she touches his thigh, which is making him uncomfortable.. She smirks and caress his thigh.. His body stiffens at her touch.

"Uhm.. Hey Reirei.." he looks at her awkwardly. She keeps touching him, making him feels uncomfortable but he can't fight back..

"How are you darling? Had fun hm??" Her hand glides to a more sensitive place on his body, which making him uncomfortable, even worst..

Val sighs heavily and pushes her hand gently, "Please don't touch me like that.. It's making me uncomfortable." He says. Reina gets angry and slaps his laptop until it broke.

"You can't tell me what I want to do! You're useless without me! Ughh! I hate you so much, go die already!" She pushes him and walks out in a huff.

He sits there silently.. Getting more depressed after his own girlfriend treats him like that..

When he got home from his girlfriend's house, Sydney rushes to him and jump on him. He flinches as he caught her in his arms.

"Huh..?" Val says, sounding tired and gloomy.

"Brother! I missed you! Where have you been?!" Sydney pout as she got down from him. She puts her hands on her hips then sighs heavily.

"Is this about that woman, Reina?? Why do you date her? She's only using you for her own good.." she says to him. Val shakes his head and sighs.

"I truly love her.. I do.." Val hugs his sister and breaks down, can no longer contains his pain..

Sydney hugs him back and comfort him. "Brother.. Maybe your fate is bad.. But the sun will still rise tomorrow. I'll stay with you for the night okay? We can play games and maybe, watch movies? What do you think?" She smiles at him and Val sighs.

"That sounds.. Great.." Val flashes a small smile and wipe his tears. It's always the same person who cheers him up after all the pain he had gotten from his girlfriend.. Sydney is truly a loyal sister.

Sydney accompanies him for the night. They both play board games, play guessing games and watch movies. Sydney fell asleep next to Val.. They're both asleep together on the couch.

The next day,

Reina calls Val. "Hey babe! Sorry for yesterday.. I don't mean it.." she says, pretending to be sorry for making him uncomfortable.

Val answers. "Uhm.. It's okay.." he says, feeling relieved that his girlfriend finally apologise.. But then,

"Y'know what Val? I've been using you for your handsome face.. You're so cute, I really want to see you naked.. I wanna hear you moan. I love you Val.. I love your body too." She says, in a lusty tone as she moan in the call.

Val instantly hung up and put down his phone, feeling disgusted. "Ugh.. That woman.." he buries his face into his hands and sobs quietly, knowing his girlfriend is just a pervy woman who wants to use him for her own good..

He can't take it anymore.

After two days.. Sydney doesn't see him around the house, she look for him... And she found him! But.. Why is he laying on the ground..? Blood..?

What happened..?!

Sydney rushes to his side and quickly shake him. "Brother! Wake up.. Please! BROTHER?!!" she cries and sobs uncontrollably.. Val is laying in her arms.. He feels so small, weak... This reminds Sydney when Val used to cradle her when she was younger.. Which make her have a breakdown.

"WHY?! BROTHER! SHARE SOME OF YOUR FATE.. PLEASE..!!" She screams and cries.. The neighbour heard her, they rush to meet her and helps her with getting her brother into the hospital.

For weeks.. She stays by his side, talking to him even though he's not awake due to blood loss.. But, he's alive! That made Sydney feels less depressed..

One day..

"Brother.. I'm sorry but.. I think I'll lose hope on you.. I missed you so much, it hurts.." she cries quietly, then..

Val slowly opens his eyes!

Sydney flinches. "Brother?!" She tears up and hugs him, it's him! He's back! He's alive! Sydney is so happy, she feels like screaming but she can't.. She's at a hospital.

Val flashes a grin. "Losing hope in me huh, little sis?" He chuckles softly, knowing he's attached to a bunch of tubes and machines.. But Syd is so happy!

"If you try that again, I'll make sure I drag you out of grave!" She pouts but then.. She pat his head.

Val sighs and laughs a little. "Well?? You had fun without me this whole week don't you?"

Sydney smirks. "Mehh, I prefer having my BIG brother with me!"

After that.. Sydney waits patiently for Val to be healthy once again.

To be continued:3

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