semi raised your arm in a half moon motion, trying to explain to you how to do it like he does it. when he got to your hand and held it, you quickly turned away. he looked at you, razzled.

"i got it," you waved him off, "thanks."

he would be lying if he said that that didn't affect him the way it did. but if he held your hand for a second longer, who knows what would've happened. you would've folded at the spot.

"try the jump serve again, remember, jump higher."

when you did it again for the third time and implemented his advice, your serve was close to perfect. the ball hit the right corner quickly. only a super libero could've gotten that one. even if she did, the spin was too powerful for the receive to be perfect on their end. huh, maybe semi does know what he is talking about.

you laughed at the exhilarating feeling of success, "aaahh! i did it!" you looked to your left to see the gray-haired male staring at you with wide eyes, "man that was a perfect serve! that felt so amazing... i can't wait to use that for the upcoming tournaments!"

he saw you staring at him and he quickly wiped the smile off his face and replaced it with a smirk, "that was good, but it isn't as good as mine."

"whatever... mannnn my palms hurt," you looked at your right palm and how it was bright red, "i think i spun it too much with the toss."

"let me see that."

semi went to your other side and grabbed your right wrist, examining your palm. you let him hold it for five seconds at the most before pulling away. he can't be doing this to you. he can't be making you feel the way he's making you feel. this needs to stop. immediately.

semi raised an eyebrow at you, "are my hands cold or something? that's the second time you've done that and i'm just trying to help."

"it's not that!"

"you hate me that much you don't want me to help you?"

"i said it's not that."

semi gave you a look, "then what?"

"nevermind, let's practice my hits... um... send me some tosses, semi."

okay it'll stop later.

the setter rolled his eyes as he dragged a ball cart to where he was going to be positioned. you walked back a tiny bit and got into yours. you threw the ball at him while he gave you a toss and you hit it. while the hit was good, the toss could've been a little bit better. but who could blame him? this was his first time ever setting to you.

as you landed, he looked at you, "how was that? i think i could do better, your hands are smaller than i thought."

you ignored his remark, "it was a little low but yeah, can we try again?"

"of course."

you threw him the ball and ran earlier and faster than you did a second ago, accidentally doing a minus tempo. however, semi adjusted and sent the toss to you perfectly. the ball hit the floor fast and powerful. the two of you accidentally did a quick attack and it shocked you both.

as you landed again, the two of you looked at each other and just started screaming out of excitement.

"what was that!!!! did we really just do that???!!!"

"i didn't even mean to!!! you timed the toss perfectly! that was amazing, semi!"

"i didn't even know you could do a powerful hit like that! nice kill, y/n!"

you both laughed like maniacs but the laughter slowly died down as if you both just realized who you were celebrating with. your smile was wiped away when you realized how much you enjoyed spending time with him but you knew this was probably the only time it was going to happen.

you turned away from the gray-haired setter and walked over to your bags. this was not going to happen.

semi stopped you by grabbing your forearm, forcing you to look back at him, "where are you going?"

"back to my dorm."

his hold on your became tighter, "oh come on y/n, don't do that," semi gave you a sly smile, "look at us, we were just getting along! who would've thought, hey?"

you forcefully wiggled out of his grasp, "were. we can't get along. we shouldn't get along," you turned your back to him, "i'm going to go back to my dorm."

you hurriedly picked up the balls from the other side of the court and put it in the ball court. semi was just following you around, not helping nor saying anything. he was just there, behind you at all time, annoying you by not doing anything.

when you locked the ball closet and started to walk back to your things, semi quickly stood in front of you, stopping your path.

"i need my things."

"what is wrong with you?"

you rolled your eyes in irritation, "move, semi. i really need to go back to my dorm."

he leaned down to face you better, "and why? so you can avoid me?" the male chuckled dryly, "now, seriously what's your problem?"

"you are!"


"you and your stupid actions making me think differently than what has been established in my mind for the past two years!" you spoke in a louder voice than usual, "you shouldn't be... like that! i don't even know what i'm saying anymore."

you continued on, "the way you've been treating me... it's different from the way you treated me last year or the year before. and it's making my head hurt because i think of you so much but i dislike you with everything i have in me! and you dislike me with everything you have in you, and more!"

semi looked down at his feet, annoyed at whatever the fuck you're saying because they are all lies to him, "you hate me that much?"

"almost as much as you hate me."

alright. if this is what semi gets, this is all he'll ever have from you. pure dislike. it's better than nothing. he'll continue with the lies if he has to, as long as he gets to talk to you, he guesses it's alright.

"you're right, i don't like you. why do you think i insult you every single day?" semi rolled his eyes, "you've been annoying since our first year."






"we're not kinda sorta friends," the gray-haired setter said lowly, "we're not friends at all."

"i never wanted to be friends with you anyway."

despite your blatant statement if you disliking him, you saying that you never wanted to be friends with semi hurt him the most.

what he didn't know is that it hurt you maybe even more.

ruin our friendship . semi eita! ✓Where stories live. Discover now