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I walked into the small coffee shop and saw Caroline at a seat. I headed towards my friend and prepared myself. This will be the first time I talk about the truth in almost eighty years.  I sit down across from my friend and give her one of my smiles. She gives me one of hers in exchange.

"So, N/N, why did we meet here," Care asked. So how do I say this? Hey, I've been lying to you and everyone as long as I've known you? I'm certain that wouldn't go too well.

"Caroline, what I'm about to tell you is very important, so don't get mad, and for the love of the witch ancestors, don't tell anyone," I instructed. "Alright, what happened," Care questioned.

"I'm not actually 500 years old," I started out small. Work your way up to the whole truth. Caroline's eyes went wide for a minute. "Then how old are you really, and why did you lie," Caroline asked. "I'm not really sure, I'm at least 1,000, and we'll work our way up to why I lied eventually," I answered.

"I guess that explains why your last name is Mikaelson," Care comments. "It doesn't, not really," I corrected. She moved her hand in a way to tell me to explain. I was born as Y/N L/N, about 500 years ago, right after the whole Kathrine mess I married, my true love and my sire, Kol Mikaelson," I explained.

"If he's your one true love and your sire, why did you only marry 500 years ago and not 1,000," Caroline questioned. "Fist, we were pretending to be royals at a time, already married, then I had to get his siblings to trust me, which took about a fifty years and then the sire bond, which I had to break, don't ask, then he got daggered, also don't ask, me and kol left to go learn things with witches for 400 years and I refused to get married without his and my family present," I recalled. "It took them a hundred years to trust you," Caroline whisper-yelled. "Us Mikealsons are known for being paranoid," I chuckled.

"Where is Kol now," Care asked. "If the witches are to be trusted, which In my case is a full 50/50 chance, at the bottom of the ocean, not dead," I revealed. "Not to be Insensitive or anything but why didn't they just stake them," Care questioned. "Kol is an original, a part of the first generation of vampires, the only thing that can actually kill them is wood from a white oak tree and they burned it to the ground," I revealed. Caroline's eyes got wide.

"You were turned by an original," Caroline realized. "Yep, which isn't as cool as you think it is darling, I still get periods every bloody mouth but I can't have kids," I frowned. "That's a rip off," Caroline almost shouted. "Oh, don't worry darling, I know, I've been living that for a thousand years, and I doubt going to the hospital is going to do much other than potentially reveal the existence of the supernatural," I chuckled.

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