"You've obviously done this before, as things have, as you said, changed a bit." Effie hopped out of her chair, plucked a piece of parchment off of her desk and sat back down. Before she could comment about the changes the tea and coffee arrived. After preparing their drinks to taste Effie took a sip of tea and sat the teacup to the side. "Your initial meeting was to be with Hermione and Charles Weasley, but apparently they had a bit of a problem with an American Irridescent dragon in Utah and they will be delayed another day before arrival. Thankfully the Wood family agreed to change schedules so they'll be first. Here you go, my dear."

Enid took the parchment as Effie slid it across the table, turned it, and peered down.


Oliver Wood and Daphne Wood, Lady Greengrass (Greengrass Manor)

Bill Weasley and Susan Weasley (Shell Cottage)


George Weasley and Luna Lovegood (Weasley Wizarding Wheezes London Office)

Seamus Finnegan and Crystal Finnegan (Finnegan residence)

Dennis Creevey, Lord MacBeth and Hannah Creevey, Lady MacBeth (MacBeth Hall)

Enid felt a lump in her throat. Not only was she unsure exactly how she would get to her interviews but one of the first people she had to interview was Lady Greengrass? And what of the other interviews?

Effie cleared her throat, drawing attention. "I will owl you the other days' schedules each evening. We're keeping the other interviews..." She sighed. "It's been like wrangling kneazles and crups, to be honest. Fred Weasley has changed his mind three times. I'd hate for you to prepare for that and be taken unawares. You are staying at the Raging Hippogriff, correct?"

Enid nodded. She hadn't checked into the hotel yet, but her reservations had been confirmed and reconfirmed. "Yes, I am."

"Very good." Effie took a sip of tea and smiled, a non-toothy, non-threatening smile, at the reporter. "I must say that in preparation I read your previous work. I find your writing fair, honest and rather enjoyable. It will be most displeasant if your articles do not follow the same path. I know that goes without saying, obviously, but forgive this old goblin. Old habits, you know."

Enid felt a bit confused; by goblin standards Effie was not old at all. More than that, though, she was the most important female goblin in all of Britain not to mention other more enlightened countries. There had been talk of Effie someday being made director, but apparently some changes were a bit too modern for the goblins. The current Director and Head of Goblin Nation, Fizzuk, if her research was correct, was at least five years younger than Effie. That did nothing to allay her fears regarding exactly what Effie was capable of if she did not write the article correctly; it wasn't that Effie was requesting an editorial slant or trying to push an agenda, she simply wanted to make sure that the article depicted everyone as they were.

Coming back to herself Enid nodded. "I understand. Not a problem."

"Very good." Effie clapped her hands together. "Very good, indeed." She looked over at the clock on the wall. "Now we have a good amount of time left before you need to go to Greengrass Manor. Before that I'll give you the portkeys. You were wondering how you would get there, weren't you?" Seeing an affirmative nod Effie continued. "The portkeys for each day will be sent along with the schedules. If, at any time, you encounter any difficulties please contact Gringotts at once, if I am not available any goblin will be able to assist you." Sighing contentedly Effie eased back into the chair. "Now tell me what New Orleans is like these days. I must say that Gringotts branch there is rather underwhelming."


Enid stood in her hotel room, quickly glancing around to ensure that she hadn't forgotten anything. Along with her reporter's notebook and trusty pen she'd also brought along one of the new Dictaspool recorders. It slightly boggled her mind to think that soon she would be sitting down speaking to the Weasley twins using a device that they had developed, but she quickly dismissed that and turned back to her notebook. She flipped open the pages, turned a few, and found the background information on the Woods.

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