After blocking her hearing, Su Xiaolu felt much more comfortable. She ignored the hostile expressions of the fish people and sat down quietly after eating and drinking her fill.

When the two fish people saw this, they were much more relieved. They put away their sharp claws and retreated.

An Xiaoou and Hai Ming reported the news of their communication to the king.

There were a few elders gathered in the royal palace. They did not expect that among the people they captured, there was actually a human royalty.

Everyone started arguing again.

Some said that they should kill them to prevent future trouble, while others said that they should not. Exchanging knowledge could change the development of the fish people. Perhaps they could find the reason why the fish people's transformation failed.

Some said that they were not afraid. At most, they would go into the deep sea. Humans could not go so deep into the sea. Even if the fish people were weaker than the humans, they could not do anything.

An Xiaoou felt a headache coming on. When the people in the palace quarreled, it was no different from a market.

The fish people only had one partner. They would at most give birth to two children in their lives. It would take ten years for a small fish to transform into a human. If the transformation failed, it would only be a fish for the rest of its life. After the transformation failed, its mind would slowly degenerate until it was no different from an ordinary fish. It might not return after leaving the clan to hunt one day.

As for the fish people, they would only conceive again after the first child's transformation failed. The fish people reproduced very little, and it was too hard to raise two children.

Humans were different. Having more children was a tradition in every family. As long as they had food to eat, they could continue to give birth until they could not give birth anymore.

The difference between humans and fish people was too great, so the fish people had to treat them carefully.

"Xiaoou, the king is asking you a question."

Hai Ming called An Xiaoou gently.

An Xiaoou came back to her senses and looked at the old king respectfully. "What did the king ask me?"

An Xiaoou realized that the prince was also here.

Everyone looked at her.

The king looked at An Xiaoou and said slowly, "Xiaoou, what is the alliance agreement of your human race like? Can the descendants of our fish people be guaranteed safety when they go on land to learn?"

Every descendant of theirs was very precious. In the sea, they were unrestrained and could deal with the methods of the humans. However, when they reached the shore, their bodies were also restrained. They were afraid that the humans would betray them at that time.

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, An Xiaoou thought that she actually didn't know much. She felt very guilty and recalled carefully what she had heard before. She said, "My king, since ancient times, alliances meant that both sides will exchange important hostages with each other. These hostages are usually the children of the empress. They are people who can inherit the throne in the future to form a good relationship and balance each other."

If anyone broke the agreement, they would definitely let their children's blood fuel the other party's anger.

However, humans could give birth to many children, but the fish people could not.

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