1.Talking from experiences

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Ravi: Your hair and makeup looks spotless pip, it's time for you to go on Good Morning Britain, you ready?

Pip: No not really... I knew I was going to be everywhere when solving the case of Sal and Andie.. however I never really realised it would be this much of a fuss .. I hate the spotlight ... the pap following me everywhere.. I thought that once I'd solved the case it would be over with... clearly not... it's so scary to think I'm the talk of little Kilton right now-

Ravi: Well yeah I mean you did prove literally everyone wrong including the police.. with no experience.. you proved my brother Sal was innocent, and everyone was shocked when they found out it wasn't him.. thanks to you the real people involved actually got the punishment they deserved and we will never know what the future holds for you.. solving a mystery that everyone seemed to have dismissed or believed the wrong thing must've been hard.. so that's why you are such a big fuss... people love your case skills pip!

Pip: I can't lie I never thought I'd have to explain this so many times but I suppose your right, Rav. Andddd oooh looks like I've got a secret admirer you know I couldn't have done it without you Ravi! *Pip knocks Ravi on the shoulder and they both laugh*

Set manager: Pippa fitz- Amobi! They're ready for you in 3..2..1!

Ravi: go on girl you'll smash it!

Elli(announcer): Welcome pippa Fitz-Amobi also known as the case solver of the year, she's the talk of the UK right now, with her case solving skills shocking many!

*pippa runs onto the set and sits on the orange like couch, there were lots of cameras surrounding her, no room for mistake, her hands were sweaty and she began to shake a little, Her heart pounding*

*breathe pippa breathe* you'll be okay she told herself nervously 

Pip: Hello everyone *nervous laughter*

Elli: So am I right in saying that you decided that you chose to look through the murder case of Andie bell as a school project?

Pip: Yes I did... I thought it would be really interesting since it was so big 5 years ago! I mean learning the routes of such an extraordinary case that happened in my small hometown of Little Kilton was such an adventure... 

Elli: Wow... thats an interesting statement.. so why did you decide that this theme was right?

Pip: I just thought there was something off with Sal being the murderer.. I knew him.. he was so kind and his laugh was extremely contagious.. so when I got the excuse to finally investigate I did... Iwasn't trying to say Sal was innocent but I just thought seeing as I knew people involved in the case I thought it would be an interesting thing to do whether I solved it or not, whether it was Sal who did it or not...

Elli: Well we know the turnout of everything now... so how did you feel whilst moving though such a big case in your area and what were your encounters like?

Pip: Yes.. I was very scared I knew I could easily betray people's trust and I wanted to keep it as secret as possible at first.. but then the word got out.. I just carried on, which meant the murderer knew what I was investigating. Occasionally, I would get these notes to say "stop digging" I even thought I lost my dog and families trust from going to far in the case i felt like i blamed myself for everything which made me really upset and I felt extremely guilty for my dogs life.. I almost gave up at one point but then I had such an amazing case partner, Ravi who is Sal's brother as many of you know, he helped me through all my emotions and I'm very greatful for everything he did.. without him I wouldn't have solved this case because I nearly lost everything... 

Elli: Well that seems like an experience you will never forget.. that's all we have time for today... Thank you so much for speaking to us about your experience and we will see what the future holds for this newly discovered detective ... Pippa 

Pip: thank you for having me and no way ill be doing that again! However you can listen to my new podcast: A good girl's guide to murder whenever you feel like it 

Producer: And cut!

*Pip skips off*

Ravi: Great Jon, pip! And thank you for the mention!

Pip: Shit that was scary..  and yeah.. any day you know it's the truth Rav

*Pip and Rav smile at eachother and exchange a quick hug* 

Rav: We are In London..  it's such an amazing place... it would be great to explore it with my case partner and close friend: detective Pip 

Pip:You know it

*they both laugh and walk off*

☆---Thanks for reading chapter one----☆

☆Very slow updates if I ever remember 🫶🏻☆



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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