chapter 2

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Adrians P.O.V

"NO! I'm not going to put my pack in danger like that!" I yelled into the phone before I hung up. Why cant he understand I dont want to fight in his stupid war! my thoughts where interupted by a knock at the door. "Alpha?" I heard Bradlys voice. "come in" I said.

the door opened and i saw what had to be the most beautiful girl on the planet. She had pich black hair with vibernt blue eyes. She was fairly short and had the perfect figure. "mine." I wisperd. "Alpha? you mean shes? oh no..."

"what do you mean 'oh no'!" "Sir shes not from here. and when i say that I mean shes not from... er... this planet so to speak..." he said looking down. "So now your calling my mate an alien?" I said getting mad now.

"no sir!" he said quickly. "shes a-" He was cut off by her beautiful sweet voice. "I'm an Angel. or I guess now, a Fallen Angel." she said sadly. "Fallen?"  "I lied to an elder and they kicked me out." she said harshly rembering the memory.

"Whats your name?" I asked steping towards her. "Renee." she said. Her sent was intoxicating. "Renee..." I repeted steping closer to her. She suddered at the sound of me saying her name telling me that she felt the bond to.

"You can leave now Bradly." I said not taking my eyes off of Renee. Bradly left the room and closed the door. I walked closer to her. when I was close enough I wraped my arms around her waist. I leaned in and tryed to kiss her.

she pulled away quickly. "whats wrong?" "I just met you and erm... ive never kissed anyone before..." she mumbled. "Its ok. We're mates. we where made for eachother. your my sole mate." I said sweetly to her.

I grabbed her again and slowly lowerd my head to hers. I gently pressed my lips to hers. I felt so many sparks and my lips where on fire. I deepend the kiss a little and licked her bottom lip asking for intence.

She wouldnt let me in. I litely brushed my fingers against her neck making her gasp. I took that opertunity to stick my toung in her mouth. that gintle kiss turned in to a full blown make out session. she wrapped her arms around my neck while my hands sayed firmly on her waist.

We where intrupted by my phone ringing. "God damn it! You have to be kiding me!" I groned as I pulled away. I walked over and awnserd the phone. "Hello?" I said anoyed. "Why did you hang up on me?" Seriously! I was intrupted by this guy! "Because I was done with the disscussion.." I said in a 'duh' tone. 

"Well i wasnt. Look, your the Alpha of the strongest pack in the country. I cant win this war with out you. I really need your hel-" I cut him off. "NO! HELL NO!!! Espcally no after i found my mate! End of disscussion! Good bye Jack!"

I hung up the phone and turned back to Renee but when i looked, she wasnt there...

Renee P.O.V

When the man claming to be 'my mate' turned aroung i used my powers and turned invisible. Did I mention I could do that? Well I can. I walked out the door and started waking aroung the house. I found a kitchen and saw Jane and Bradly talking with a blonde girl.

"Wait! Shes Alpha Adrians mate!" Jane said. "I dought shes prettier than me." the blonde girl scoffed. "ha! no! shes an Angle!" Bradly said. "Your just saying that because you dont like me. "no. really. Renee is an actuall Angel!"

"What about me?" i said making my self visible right infront of the bolnde girl so I was in her face. she screamed and jumped back. I turned to Bradly. "Did i scare her?" i asked inosently. "WHAT THE HELL!!!!" the blonde girl screamed at me. I tilted my head to the side "I anger you?"

"RENEE!!!!!" I heard Adrian call. "Thats my que! Bye!" I said and turned invisible again. Adrian ran down the stairs. "Have you guys see Renee?!?!" he said franticly. I giggled and he looked around franticly.

"SHE TURNED INVISIBLE!" the blonde girl yelled. This could be fun...

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