“Sounds like an I threshing person.” Eren giggled.

They rode in silence for a time. Reaching the town, Armin took some back roads until  they were down by some warehouses. He drove past several before stopping the car. Levi looked out the window. Something about this place looked familiar. He couldn’t put his finger on why.

Eren pulled his hand away, he shut the car off as Armin got out. Levi followed them. He saw the broken semi trailer, looking up the hill, he saw the rock.

“You were here when we switched.” He commented.

“Yeah, this is where we live.” Eren walked to the trailer.

Armin ducked under the tarp flap. Eren smiled back. “Come on in.” He offered before disappearing.

Levi shot forward, catching the flap before it closed. He stepped inside. Eren snorted trying not to laugh. He was so tall that he could only sit down under the semi trailer. Erwin too had to crawl around. Levi only needed to duck his head slightly.

“Fucking brat!” Levi growled. He took in the meager possessions. Armin went to pick up some extra clothes.

“Leave the blankets and pillows.” Levi insisted. “Actually, you could leave the clothes too. I can buy you more.” He offered.

Armin met Eren’s eyes. Eren looked back. Levi wanted to kick one of them. It was obvious they had a very close relationship. Eren shoved a rolled up cloth something into his bag.

“Let’s go.” He commanded crawling back out.

They left the car. Erwin said he had gotten a signal, he used it to get a car to come pick them up. Eren told him the seven eleven on the corner. He guided them there once he took Levi’s hand again. The two appeared far more comfortable holding onto each other.

They crossed the small creek, walked through a short stand of trees to come out above the parking lot to the store. Already a family car sat in the lot.

“Shit!” Levi swore.

“What is it?” Eren looked back at him.

“Kenny!” Levi snarled.

Eren peered toward the car. “Maybe we should…” He looked to Armin. Levi pushed him.

With a cry, the tall gangly teen fell down the hill. He rolled up as his body twirled down to the pavement. He was stopped by a cowboy booted foot. Cigarette ash struck his face as he peered up at the tall, once handsome man. The guy bent over to look at him.

“Touch him and I will cut your spleen out!” Levi was running toward them.

“This the shit that supposedly kidnapped you?” the gruff voice asked.

“No. I went with him willingly.” Levi was between Eren and the man. The man shoved his hat back as he looked down at the small figure before him.

“Get your ass in the car. You’re mother wants to see you. Your time is up, runt.” Flicking his cigarette butt aside, the man turned toward the car.

“What did he mean?” Eren asked as Erwin helped him up.

“Oh, Levi has an obligation to the family.” Erwin smiled broadly at the short male.

“I forgot about them!” Levi huffed. He stormed toward the car, not before grabbing Eren’s wrist to drag him along.

Laughing Erwin followed with Armin. They got in the back. Kenny was sprawled out over the seat facing forward. Levi pushed Eren in first. He sat facing Kenny, but slid to the other side of the car. Levi sat beside him, then Armin. Erwin got in last, closing the door.

Kenny’s steely eyes drank in the teen. “So, you’re the Yeager runaway?” he growled.

“Guess so.” Eren answered. Levi noticed how the teen had placed a guard up between them.

“You’re brother has demanded we turn you over, or else.” Kenny said not unkindly.

Eren turned to look out the window. “I don’t have a brother. I don’t have a family, other than Armin.” He insisted.

“Are you relinquishing your right to the Yeager family?” Kenny leaned forward to grip Eren’s chin. He forced the teen to look at him.

“That wouldn’t be wise, not yet anyway.” He insisted when Eren glared at him.

“Why not?” Eren demanded.

“Because, you’re right on one account. Zeke Yeager, isn’t a Yeager.” Kenny huffed.

“They have the same father.” Levi glared across the car.

“No, they don’t.” Kenny lit another cigarette, the smell filling up the car.

“Apparently, Daddy Fritz, well he was a little incestuous.” Kenny chuckled.

“You mean he…” Armin shivered looking away.

“That’s disgusting!” Erwin huffed.

“I’m not surprised.” Eren stated. “They made me…” He shut up as he turned away from everyone in the car.

“Is that why you ran away?”  Levi asked rubbing Eren’s shoulder.

The teen nodded without looking back inside the car. Levi wanted nothing more than to draw the male’s attention back to him, but he had a feeling that Eren wasn’t seeing what was outside.

They didn’t talk for the reminder of the ride. Eren shifted as the wheels of the car turned onto the Ackerman estate.  He watched the buildings, the lawn glide by, then he saw it. His hand pressed to the window as he recognized the single level structure.

“That’s the dojo?” he pointed toward it.

“Yeah.” Levi smirked at his friends excitement.

They rounded the corner to Levi’s house. Six females all dressed in their finest were lined up before the house. An older woman, who looked just like her son, stood before them. She held a long cigarette holder with a smoking cigarette tucked in the end.

“Seriously!” Levi growled.

“ARMIN!” Eren half cried his friends name.

“Yeah, I see!” Armin giggled.

“See what?” Levi growled.

The car came to a stop before the assembled group. Levi peered out trying to figure out what the other two were talking about. Eren climbed from the car without waiting for the chauffer to open the door. He slung his backpack over one shoulder. Not looking toward the dark haired woman, he walked up to one of the girl’s.

“Hello, Princess.” He smirked as he bowed before her.

“EREN!” the blonde female gasped out.

She didn’t hold her place in line.  Instead she rushed forward to hug the teen tightly. Armin came up to his friend’s side. The blonde girl let go of Eren to cry out Armin’s name, then hugged him. Eren was facing a dark haired angry looking female now.

“Glad to see you made it out alive.” The woman huffed.

“No thanks to you.” Eren glared. He held his hand up. The girl pressed her fist to it. They both smirked at each other.

“Will someone please tell what the HELL IS GOING ON!” Levi yelled as Eren turned to grin at him.

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