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It was cold, it was raining, thank god for Jake that brought an umbrella. They had just came out of a coffee shop, basic yeah, but they just wanted to catch up again, just talk. They ended up staying there for 2-3 hours catching up.

When they realized it had been that long they decided to just head over to alberts house, Jake would crash in the spare bedroom or on the couch. This would happen often, when they hadn't talked to each other in a while they would usually end up crashing at each others place.

A thing not many people know is that there's a shortcut to alberts house. It was though the woods, Albert knew that woods like the back of his hand considering how many times he's taken that shortcut. Jake wasn't so sure. He was mostly scared of seeing a snake but also about getting lost. I mean going through the woods is never a good idea, in horror movies most people get buttered in the middle of the woods, like in guardians of the galaxy Peter gets adducted by aliens in the middle of the woods. Then again those were all fiction story made for their entertainment.

After a bit of back and frothing Jake finally agreed to going through the woods, a bit pissed off but they took that shortcut either way. Half way through the shortcut in the woods Jake heard something, it was like a hovering sound. Jake told Albert but Albert told Jake he's paranoid and that he's probably hearing things since he's nervous. Jake was going to say something back but decided to just stay quiet and quickly get this over with.

Until, they saw something above them. It was a faint light, a faint blue light. It hurt to look at, kinda like when you look at the sun and it hurts and you just want to look away, yeah it felt like that.

Jake didn't remember passing out. When he woke up he heard a lot of commotion. He wanted to get up but there was something tied around his wrists and ankles. Was he just kidnapped?? He looked around and saw Albert. Who was still unconscious, "Hey... ALBERT..!!!" Jake half whispered half yelled. Jake looked at Albert hoping that if he looked at him enough he would wake up. It didn't work. It took a while for Jake to calm down, after all he was just kidnapped. God knows what these people want?? Then again it was some sort of blue light, so maybe not people, maybe aliens?? That's the only explanation Jake could think of as of right now, as much as he believed they were aliens he was also trying to believe these weren't aliens. I mean who wants to be kidnapped by aliens?? What if they try and eat him?? Or what if they eat Albert in-front of him. What if they run some sort of tests on both him and Albert to figure out how humans work so they can invade earth??

Suddenly the door (which Jake never knew was there) slid open. Jake was mortified, I mean nothing could've prepared him for what he saw. It was human enough but not exactly. It was the color orange, it's eyes were a bright blue, when it opened its mouth it's teeth were spiky and yellow, Jake could've sworn he saw a bit of blood on that things teeth. When it started to talk Jake forced himself to listen even tho he was about to piss himself.
"So your finally awake." It hissed, Jake wanted to say something but his lips were dry. He wanted to be anywhere but here. "The only reason you and your little friend here can understand us is because while you were asleep we implanted a translator into your head." It said while pointing at Albert and then pointing at its head. Jake was shocked. These things?? Aliens kinda?? Implanted some sort of device into his head??? Yeah sure they didn't fuck it up but what if they did?? And what's with the whole "you can understand us" part? Do they speak some other language that humans don't know of?? Jake had so many questions he wanted to ask. But he couldn't. He was still pissing himself over how scary the situation is. "Your friend should be awake in 10 minutes. I've been able to study your humans time schedule, which is why I know what minutes are. But if you want to live on this ship and be out there with other "aliens" as you humans call us, you'll have to learn our way of telling time" The alien said, Jake was even more confused, so there are aliens and they have a whole other way of telling time?? This was too much stuff to process. He wanted to just wake up and be in alberts couch and make himself breakfast or something.
"Why should I trust you?? Plus how are we supposed to stay alive, I don't assume there human food here in this ship or any human clothes." Jake was finally able to speak out, the alien gave him a smug smile as if it was just waiting for Jake to ask that question. "We'll thanks to me and my crew being able to study what you humans eat and wear, we have clothes and food enough to last a good year, as you humans would say it." Jake simply looked away, this alien was smart and what did it mean by crew?? Were there other aliens out there? And what did they want with him and Albert??
Turns out 10 minutes have already gone by and suddenly,, Albert woke up.

HII soo hope u liked this chapter!! I wanted to make this similar to gotg since I love the movies and I love the game !!! So something's are gonna be similar like the translator etc. sorry if this is bad I'm not the best writer 😔

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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