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I'm going to label each person in the title by initials

- Hailee Steinfeld
- Kate Bishop
- Nadine Franklin
- Charlie Watson
- Emily Dickinson
- Emily Junk
- Gwen Stacy
- Others upon request

I am comfortable doing:
-smut, mainly by request (will be labeled with *)
-idk what else there is
-idk why I'm still typing

I am not comfortable doing:
-daughter reader (not on this book)
-nothin weird yk what I mean (I've gotten some strange ass requests)

This will mainly be GxG but if you want gender neutral pronouns just put in a request. No male character as Hailee is for the girls (fight w a wall).

If you would like to make a request you may comment, pm me, or write on my comments board. Anything works! If you would like to stay anonymous, I totally get it just let me know and I won't tag you.

Tbh most of it won't be proof read so if you notice a mistake just lmk and I'll fix it <3

Let's all remember to be nice on here! In the end we are all here for the same reason. We are all just a bunch of mentally unstable, Hailee Steinfeld obsessed , people trying to get through life. So pls get along.

And just a friendly reminder, if you have a problem with my book, YOU DONT HAVE TO READ IT. I've had to say this too many times. If you don't like my writing style or the fact it's GxG you don't have to read it, much less interact and comment on how my writing is trash and I'm a fag. I wrote this because I wanted to, I want to share my book so other people who love Hailee can be a part of something.  If you have a problem just move along or take it up with me personally in my pm but pls don't comment on my books. This has happened in the past and I'm so sick of having to delete comments so please. I love you guys so much.
Thank you <3

Happy reading nerds!
Love, Aly💕

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