"So I can expect 80 people instead of 100?" Luckily Wes caught on to my sarcasm.

"Probably more like 85."

I let out a laugh and reached for Wes' hand. "I'll asked my parents tonight."

It was no surprise when we pulled up to Noah's house that there were cars already lining the long driveway. "Damn." Wes said as he pulled his truck next to the garage. "Luckily for us we have VIP parking." He smiled. "I think I saw Wyatt's car as we were pulling in." I replied.

"You plan on spending the night with them?"

"No, I'm here with you." I reminded him.

"Are you drinking tonight?"

I hadn't drank since Noah's Labor Day party. "Uhm.. I don't know yet."

"Okay, that's fine."

He held his hand out to me as he gave me a smile. I took his hand in mine and let him lead the way. Noah's party was smaller than the last one I had gone to. Partially because party goers couldn't hang around outside like they could in September. "Looks like most of everyone is in the machine shed."

When we opened the door and walked inside there were about 60 people give or take. Wes walked up to Noah where the two gave each other a bro shake. "Hey Leah." Noah said to me as he wrapped me in a hug. "Hey." I replied squeezing him back.

"This is your turn out?" Wes asked Noah.

"Yeah. I didn't invite too many people. Though I think word did get around because there are some people here that I have no idea who the hell they are."

"Yeah?" Wes asked looking around.

"Yeah. Like those chicks over there.. So if you find out who they are let me know."

"Are Wyatt and Ryann here yet?" I asked Noah.

"Uhh, yeah. Somewhere." He replied. I could see Wes become annoyed from the corner of my eye. "I'm going to grab a drink." He sighed as he dropped my hand and headed for the cooler. It became clear I wasn't drinking that night.

I watched him as he walked away. Noah looked between us and squinted his eyes. "Everything okay with the two of you?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"No reason. Can I get you a drink?"

"No, no thank you. I think I'm the DD tonight."

"Oh, cool. Well, enjoy yourself." He smiled at me before he walked off to talk to a few teammates.

"Lee!" I heard someone shout from behind me. When I turned around Ryann was running towards me with open arms. As soon as her arms were wrapped around me I could smell the alcohol on her breath. "How long have you been here?" I asked trying to pull away from her stench.

"Like an hour." Wyatt replied.

"And she's this trashed?"

"She took an edible as soon as we got here, it's kicking in."

"Yeah, do you want one?" She asked me as she pulled out half a brownie from her bra.

"No thank you." I told her with a crinkled nose.

"Where's Wes?" Wyatt wondered as he looked around.

"Getting a drink."

"I take it your DD?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Who's the bitch he's talking to?" Ryann asked once she spotted Wes. I looked over to the cooler and didn't see him. I looked at Ryann and followed her eyes over my shoulder to see him talking to a brunette with pink streaks in her hair. "I'm not sure." I replied. The girl reached out as she laughed at something Wes said and brushed her hand against his arm. I didn't think much about it at the time. I had no reason to.

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