Chapter 1

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"And was there anyone there that could prove such allegations?"-Ms. Vasquez asked.
"Yes. My-uh little sister.Elizabeth Heard."-Amber said.
"Ok! Theres no further questions."-Ms.Vasquez said.

They change lawyers and its Mr.Rottenborn's turn to ask questions.
So he does and then its time to call a witness to the stand.

"I would like to call Ms.Elizabeth Heard to the witness stand, Your Honor."-Mr.Rottenborn said.
"Alright. Calling Ms.Elizabeth Heard to the stand. Any objections?"-The Judge said.
"No, Your Honor."-Mr.Chew said.

So Elizabeth aka Liz comes to the stand.

"Would you please state your full name for the record."-Mr.Rottenborn said.
"Elizabeth Rebecca Heard."-Liz said.
"Alright. And did you or did you not see Mr.Depp pushing Ms.Heard down the stairs."-Mr.Rottenborn said.
"I did not."-Liz said pausing between the 'did' and the 'not'.
"Alright no further questions."-He said.

The trial continued for about 2 more weeks. And the veridict finally came out. Johnny was with you when it came out.

"Ok J you can do it. Open it!"-You said.

He sighed and open the envelope.
"Not guilty."-he said with his voice cracking.
"AAAAAA not guilty. John you did it!"-you said hugging him. When you pulled back something unexpected happend. He kissed you. You couldn't help but to kiss him back. With your hands going up to his face and his going down to just before your butt. Before you knew it you woke up. At first you thought what happend was a dream but then you felt some arms around you. You looked around you kind of limited by the arms and saw. Johnny? What happend last night? You suddenly felt a small brise. And looked under the sheets to see that you're naked. 

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