chapter 15- conditions

Start from the beginning

"N.consort, give Blossom back." Anaya orders through greeted teeth.

"You are crossing your limits, Anaya." Yuzu states hiding his fear "Don't force me to punish you."

Anaya and Zubina look at each other. "We are sorry Yuzu. But you can't do whatever you want." Both of them jump towards Yuzu with full force.

Yuzu hurriedly takes two steps back and shouts "GUARDS !"

Anaya pulls Yuzu's hair to reach for Blossom. Consort Yuzu was always taller than other consort's as he is a man but beside his highness, consort Yuzu looks smaller.

Zubina also tries to reach Blossom but none of her hands reach there. She also pulls n.consort Yuzu's hair to bend him.

Yuzu feels the pain from his hair pull from both sides but he didn't bend. He will not bend either. His eyes lit up as two guards enter the hall. "TAKE BOTH OF THEM TO PRISON."

The guards look at the consorts with wide eyes. Then they look at each other. Both the consorts are women. What will his highness do if they touch his consort.

"Consort Yuzu be carefull of the hanging pearls. They are pulling it." Afreen shouts in horror.

And before Yuzu could react Zubina pulls out the left part of the Blossom out of Yuzu's hair before dropping it on the ground.

A big pink diamond falls off from the stick. The hall went silent. Yuzu blinks . Again ? It broke again.


The guards look at each other again. They don't think they have to follow consort Yuzu's order.

Yuzu looks at the guards with bloodshot eyes. It's like he can see his past right in front of his eyes. The same ignorance, the same humiliation, the same insult...

Yuzu stomps towards the guards with wide steps and before the guards could raise their head both of them got slapped hard in the face.

One of the guard stumbles back from the force of the slap.

"I can't slap them because they are women but you two are men. I think, I should vent my anger on you." Yuzu hisses before pulling out a sword which was sheeted on the wall for the decoration.

"C...consort Y..."

"NOBLE CONSORT YUZU." Yuzu runs his sword on one guard's face. Blood ozes out from the cheek.

The other guard hurriedly kneels as Yuzu looks at him "Noble consort , this servant is man. He .. he can't touch other consort ... For..forgive this survant. Let this servant call woman maids ... Please .. noble consort."

Yuzu looks at the guard with disgusted eyes. Changing colours so soon. "Go ...bring six maids to drag them."

Consort Anaya who was is daze looking at the broken blossom on the ground looks up in fear. She never wanted to break the blossom. Oh god ! Even his highness will be angry now. No no no... "Noble ....

"Your highness !" Six maids walk in the room with hurried steps. They look at the guard with bleeding cheek before looking at Consort Yuzu in a messed up hair.

Yuzu looks at the maids "Devide in groups of two and drag consort Anaya , Consort Zubina and concubine Afreen to prison. They will reside in prison for insulting the noble consort of Zi kingdom, physically hurting him, and breaking the blossom. As a punishment their heads will be shaved off and they will stay in the prison until their hair grows back.

Anaya Screams in fear "No .... No... N. Consort... I am sorry.. I never meant to break the blossom... Not my hair .. no .."

Afreen walks two steps forward in panic "n.consort Yuzu, I .. did nothing to you. I haven't even touched you. Aren't you accusing me wrong ?"

Yuzu chuckles "Do you think I am fool ? What were you doing back then Afreen ? Commanding your soldiers what to do , how to do like a leader ? And you think I didn't notice ?"

Afreen widens her eyes. Yuzu noticed. How ? He was a fool. He was easy to manipulate. "You are lying. I helped you. I was giving you, warning. You can't do this to me .. His highness wouldn't let you...."

Yuzu smirks and turns at the back. He noticed a dark shadow moving at the back door when he called for the guards. "I will go back to main palace with you but I have my conditions."

Zixuan walks out of the dark and enters the hall with a tilted face. "What is it ?"

"1st, you wouldn't interfere in harem's business. I, as a noble consort want the unanimous power to control the harem. And my decision should be the last decision here."

Zixuan smirks "done."

All the consorts and concubines gasp in fear. Anaya broke down in tears. No no no ..."

Afreen has a complicated expression on her face. While consort Zubina is still in a daze. Why does she feels like even after breaking the blossom, she couldn't break the pride of Yuzu.

Yuzu nods "maids, take them away."

Zixuan looks at the broken left piece of blossom. "The party is dismissed. Everybody leave except Yuzu."

Yuzu smiles internally. Zixuan didn't hear his other condition. He silently waits for everyone to leave the room.

Zixuan picks up the broken piece of Blossom and stands behind Yuzu. He slowly pulls out the other pieces too "time to modify it."

Yuzu's hair falls loose on from his shoulder emitting sweet smell of morning dew. Zixuan was about to leans closer to smell it when Yuzu turns around "I said conditions. You didn't hear my another condition."

Zixuan tilts his head "conditions ? What ?"

Yuzu smiles sweetly "I don't want to consummate our marriage which means you can't touch me."

Zixuan chuckles in disbelief "I can't touch you ? You are my consort."

"No , I am not.. not until we consummate our marriage."


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