They had the body. They knew for sure that the real Harrison Wells was dead. But Cisco had to finish the time machine. It would be easier to do that if his nightmares weren't haunting him in the light of day now of that vibrating hand and sometimes worse things. How many other Ciscos in other timelines or even universes had failed to stand up to this man? Cisco wouldn't be another one, he refused, even if he didn't fully understand what was going on.

But what happened when he finished the time machine? It had only been a day since they found the body, but it was all moving faster like Barry had said. Cisco could finish the cube in minutes and another vision assaulted him of carnage and lightning and Barry sobbing in the center of it all because his mother's killer had won.

Gasping for breath, Cisco left the Labs under the guise of needing one more part to make the finishing touches and seriously deserved an Oscar for how he smiled at Wells before heading out.

He knew where he wanted to go but feared being followed. Then, before he could second guess himself, he was whisked away by Barry's familiar speed, only blinking awareness when he'd reached a safe house with Lisa and Snart. They never looked startled anymore when Barry pulled things like this.

"What's wrong?" Snart asked after scanning his face.

"He's going to kill us all," Cisco said. "If I finish the machine. When I do. He's gonna... I saw it."

"Calm down, honey," Lisa came forward, taking Cisco's hands in hers. "Your visions?"

He nodded. He'd told her all about them. "If I stall, he'll know. What do we do?"

"This is what I need to free my dad," Barry said, coming forward to stand in front of Snart.

Snart always understood Barry's riddles better than anyone. "We have the body. That means we can get your father out?" he asked, and Barry smiled brightly. "That was the only missing piece I was worried about. If the machine is ready, it's time to bring everyone in." He caught his sister's eye, then turned to Cisco, looking serious and immovably resolute. "Everyone."


Barry was a trip. Cute and crazy, just the way Hartley liked 'em. Sadly for him, Barry was spoken for, which seemed odd, since in all seriousness, Barry wasn't all there. But when he gathered them at a large building outside of town, he clung to Leonard Snart's arm like he was permanently attached.

Cisco and Snart had sent the word out, but Barry had personally retrieved many of them, and after several lightning flickers in and out of the warehouse, there were well over a dozen people present.

"Avengers assemble," Cisco muttered.

"Really?" Wally asked-Kid Flash himself, unmasked.

"You can't save the world alone," Barry said, squeezing Snart's arm tighter.

"What's the deal, Snart?" Rory asked more loudly, staying near Snart along with Glider and Peek-A-Boo.

"Is this everyone?" Professor Stein asked from beside Ronnie and Caitlin. "Does Dr. Wells need assistance to join us?"

Some of the crew had rather visceral responses to that question, like West, his daughter, and Pretty Boy Thawne. The people Hartley knew the least had to be the woman who could blow things up with a touch and the oversized Boy Scout with the shrinking suit.

Cisco held up a tablet to display Felicity Smoak, currently running Palmer Tech, and Oliver Queen. Quite the entourage.

"Wells won't be coming," Snart said, taking point, which was also a surprise, but then no one seemed to question it, not even the detectives. "Barry," he turned to the young man and grasped either side of his face in an openly intimate gesture to hold his attention, "I need you to cover everyone, all right? We need to be safe from prying eyes and ears, and they won't believe it if it's just me. Only for a few minutes. You can do it."

Timeless ❄️ColdFlash⚡जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें