Chapter 21: The scream of Rage:the color red

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Shortly after the incident with that robber and you and your brother, while trying to run away one of the officers caught you both, you and your brother were forced into yet another foster home that you both didn't want to be in, it was just you two as all the other children were already adopted and took to their new families. 

The living condition was horrible, the care takers just didn't care for you nor your brother, they'd yell at you and force you into doing house work, they even took advantage of your brothers quirk since he knew how to use it well. 

The floors would creak with every step, the house was in the slums, if you looked on the outside of the house you would be surprised that the system considered this to be a foster home, it looked like a crack house. 

It was a two story home with four rooms and four bathrooms, the floor was hardwood and the rooms had carpet, but the carpet was dirty and rough, the living room had a couch and two lazy boy chairs, which is where the husband director spent most of his days watching T.V while you and your brother slaved around the house.

They'd make you do all the kitchen work, they'd make you sweep and mop, and even after all that they would barely even feed you, you were better off on the street rather than have such treatment like this, it was just inhuman.  

The days where you and Deshawn weren't cleaning, you and him would train, he would take you to the back yard which lead to the woods, but even in the woods you two couldn't escape since they put up a fence and cameras. 

The fence was like metal bars and had barb wire at the top, there was no way of escaping, it was truly a nightmare with no escape.

But when you both were far enough he would teach you a few more moves, taught you how to punch properly, he would gather wood and rocks and put them in a backpack and use them as waits. 

He grabbed a thin log and used it as a balance beam, he would even teach you some cool flips just for the fun of it, he'd make you run to the woods and back to the house without stopping to work on stamina. 

He even tried to train your quirk, he taught you the basics, such as activating it and deactivating it, then taught you how to release energy and use it to attack.

Each day you both improved, he taught you how to use your size and very little strength to your advantage when facing larger opponents.

You two were now on your mattresses, the beds didn't have a frame so you both were very close to the floor, you had thin sheets and it was very cold at nights, you were getting ready to go to bed, another night of being starved. 

You were wearing a baggie grey hoodie with the hoodie on and black pants and socks, to try and warm your self from the cold room, your brother wearing a red jacket and black pants.

"Y/n" Deshawn spoke, "Here, I snuck some of this out of the kitchen" he says handing you some bread and a water bottle underneath your blanket, you looked at the food wide eyed, though it wasn't much and it probably wouldn't fill you up, you were grateful that your brother would even risk something like this. 

You ate the bread and drank the water as if you hadn't eaten in years, he smiled at you while you ate, "Thank you" you said in your small shaky voice, he patted you on the head, "Don't thank me" he said with a smile.

"Listen closely, I have a plan on getting us out of here", what he said didn't shock you, if anything you were wondering what took him so long to come up with a plan.

The first time you tried to escape they caught you as if it was just child's play, well it kinda was considering that you are five and your brother twelve, "We have to do this now" he said more sternly. 

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