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"Wait you be telling me that you fucked me too much and now my legs are jelly?!" I asked him as I now was facing him. "Yeah you liked it to though. And besides I told you that I will fuck you until you cannot walk and you agreed to it too so"

he told me as he picked me up from the ground. " So what we will i do now that I cannot walk Mr.....??" I questioned him as I still blushed from embarrassment that I can't really walk. " I will bath you" he told me.

"Okay. But no funny business." I sed eying him suspiciously . "I weren't even going to do it either that you are vulnerable in my arms." He told as he looked at you lovingly. Soon we got to his bathroom. And he turned on the water as I sat on the toilet. Then I noticed a mirror.

So out of curiosity I took a look. I gasped because of what I saw. There were red and purple bites every where. Some died down a little but can be seen. My face turned into a tomato at that point. Soon he turned around and put me in the tub. That's when a sudden realization hit me. While he was wearing a white long sleeved button up shirt that reached to his thighs while I was butt naked.

A"Though I do remember he took it of before but I think he woke up at some point and put it on. Any way he do look good in it too so I won't mind." I thought. While I was in deep thought muzan had put soap in the bath that he was in in it himself.

He started scrub my back while I sat bet ween his legs. I do fairly enjoyed being take cared of me. He started wash my hair. It was very hard since i have long hair. After and hour or so we were done. As promised he did not do any funny business. Because I can't walk he put on some clothes on me and him and he soon left to go hunt and do some business. As he left I got bored and took a book from a hidden drawer of the bed side table. As I opened it was a decoy. It contained a bottle of birth control pills. Now you may wonder why I have birth control pills as I am a clearly male and cannot give birth.

I am going to explain why I need these. So I was born with a condition that makes me give birth to children. To be more clear I was born with both male and female parts. I do not know why I am like this though.

Some times things should be kept a secret for Our greater good. A saying I heard when I was human. But being a demon does not change that I can give birth. So that's why I have this pills. I told the reader.

Back to the story. I took one of them and chugged it down. I do feel guilty that I am keeping a secret from the person I love and who opened up to a the darkest secret of them self. But some day I would open up to him about this. But not now. Soon I got sleepy so I slept a little.

*Time skip*
" Hey, stop touching me would ya. I am looking at you Douma." An unknown voice spoke. Awww is the princess mad that I am teasing her. "Do I need to bring you a prince to cheer her up"

a familiar voice spoke. " Shut up... Your gonna wake him up you women eating dip shit.." the other person screamed.

My eyes fluttered open because I heard a voice yelling. "Oh shit... He is waking up.." the same person spoke. As my eyes got used to the light I looked around to see Douma and a female demon looking at me. "Oh... Hello there what do you want that you need to disrupt my slumber I asked.

"Oh I m sorry for my disrespect. I am daki uppermoon six by the way." The demon spoke "Oh nice to meet you I am kokushibo upper moon one" I spoke. Oh okay I came here to ask if you want to go and hunt with us" daki asked. Oh...sorry but... I cannot go today. We can go tomorrow if you like" I sed as she nodded.
Hello there fello readers. I gave you some angst and a little about promised.
So this is about my writing. So I need to announce is that I am taking a break. Sorry guys I had been having some problems in my life and my grades are going down and I barely past my exams. So because of that I am taking a break for a month😓. But I will be writing if I can. I think this will be better for my mental health too. I will start writing when I am balanced all of my work and school work. I love you guys very much hope you don't mind the usual

Remember to be hydrated and drink plenty of water

Your beloved
~A/n chan~

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