十八 ; An Upper Moon Demon

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If you haven't yet watched this arc, please watch it! There's spoilers in this chapter.
Enjoy :)


— ZENITSU SAT STILL, strumming a one-note melody on the shamisen. His breath crackled with lightning as he exhaled, the only movement being his hands against the instrument.

But, contrary to his calm demeanor, rage boiled within him. A rage against the two Hashira who had brought him here in the first place. He knew what this mission would entail; disguises and infiltration. But for some reason he absolutely despised both Uzui and Hikari.

Electricity sparked across his body as he began furiously playing the shamisen in his hands, his speed increasing yet the music still staying in-tune and practically professional. Okumi, his newfound friend, as well as onlookers gasped in awe at this outburst.

"Wow, that girl sure can play the shamisen." one says.

"No kidding, so dynamic. Do you know anything about her?" another asks.

"I heard she has a good ear for music. I was told she could play the shamisen or koto after just one listen." the first replies.

"She even looks beautiful, too, despite her hair color. It's very unusual." the other remarks.

"I heard Oiran Hinami brought her in herself, which must mean she's destined to be her successor!"

"Her name is Zenko! And she's my friend!" Okumi huffs proudly.

"Well, Zenko is a very talented young lady, isn't she, Okumi?" a third woman smiles.

"Yeah! She is!" Okumi grins.

A chuckle sounds from behind the group, and they all turn to see its source.

"I've never been more certain." a woman in a navy-blue kimono says. "That girl will rise to the top. Her shamisen is speaking for her. She intends to get back at the man who abandoned her. That girl has serious backbone, and beauty."

Just then, Hikari walked past, and admired the scene before her. The women who were watching by the doorway parted so she could watch, and she smiled.

'You're getting just as familiar as I hoped you would. Good job, Zenitsu.'

「 ☁️ 」
「 ☁️ 」

— MEANWHILE, OVER AT THE TOKITO HOUSE, Tanjiro (or Sumiko, as he was known) was hard at work cleaning across the entire building.

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