Chapter 1-Why do novels always start with someone waking up?

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She looked up into sky through the treetops before speaking again.

"If you're listening then reply to me!!"

However, no matter how long she waited, a huge face or a hooded human figure didn't appear. At that point, she started checking the surrounding bushes again before searching through her clothes for something that could be a rule book, but she couldn't find anything.

This has happened before, she reminded herself. I fall through the Veil Openings all the time. Usually every time God wants me to do something on that world but what could he want me to do on a bug planet?

As she listened to the birds' carefree twittering, she recklessly thought about what to do after this point and realized if she heard birds, then that means there were more than bugs.

Wilfride bit her lips as hopelessness struck her again and was surprised that she was at this much of a loss on what to do.

She kicked the hopelessness away as she put her right foot out, it was just in ten steps that she reached the end of the grass covered ground. She passed through the two old trees which rose as if they were natural gateposts, and stepped into the gloomy forest.

The forest floor was covered in a velvet-like thick moss, the space felt suspiciously strange. The leaves of overgrown trees obstructed almost all sunlight, it was just narrow beams of golden light that managed to reach the ground. The large butterflies dancing over the grass were replaced with strange large beetles which looked like dragonflies or moths, they glided soundlessly in the air. Occasionally, a sound of something from somewhere reached her ears. It was a scene She didn't think it could be home.

Wilfride walked for about fifteen minutes while praying that a hostile large monster would not venture out. She felt greatly relieved when the path that had a deluge of sunlight came into view. As the sound of water became clear, she was certain that up ahead would be a river. She naturally quickened her feet while suppressing her dry throat.

The moment she rushed out of the dense forest, separated by a three meter wide area of grass, was the surface of water, in which the silver light of the sun bounced off and entered her eyes.


With a miserable groan, she unsteadily walked along the final distance, before throwing her body down onto the soft undergrowth riverside.

What a beautiful stream. The river wasn't wide, as she slowly crawled, she could see the stunning transparency of the water current.

Like a drop of blue paint hanging on pure lack of color, Wilfride could clearly see white sands of the riverbed through the extremely clear mountain stream.


She froze, her eyes narrowed, and everything stood erect.


Wilfride turned her head and focused on the source of the noise. It was a single bush located on the edge of the clearing. Something was moving around inside the foliage just out of sight, causing the leaves to rustle. Almost instantly, her mind jumped to the worst case scenario. And she pulled off the thick black gloves she had on her hands, stuffing them in her pocket.

Inching closer to the bush, she made each footstep as silent as possible. Wilfride strained her eyes to see into the darkness and kept her hands pointed forward incase anything attacked. The branches rustled again, but whatever animal was inside had yet to jump free.


Wilfride leapt, screamed, and galloped in the exact opposite direction of the bush before she dove behind a tree on the far side of the clearing. Her heart was pounding so hard it felt like it would burst out of her chest, and she put a hand over her ribcage in a panicked attempt to make sure that didn't happen.

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