The Call Parts 1 and 2

Start from the beginning

"I think this is their decision to make." so says Bruce.

"What do you say, you two?" ask Megan. "It'll be worth doing like Bruce and I did."

Terry is taken aback but accepts Superman's invitation to visit the Watchtower for Gwen to join in too.

"Us in the Justice League, Terry, this will be a dream come true..."

"You sound happy, Gwen." Terry said to her.

"I heard so much about them when I was being studied on to be free at last to do something right. It's finally happening." said Gwen.

Terry and Gwen arrival are both immediately greeted with hostility from a surprised Big Barda and Warhawk, as Superman decided to invite them without first consulting his teammates first.

"Hey, we're sorry we did this, but we had some issues." said Helen. "I mean come on people."

Kind of old, but Helen still sometimes acts like a teenager by heart.

"And like it or not, they're staying."

So says Batman. For Big Barda, Warhawk, Kal-Ro, and Aquagirl will get use to both Batman and Batwoman on the team.


"Just keep out of my way, junior." Warhawk said to Batman. "Hawks eat rodents like you for breakfast."

"Forgive us."

"It's not you two, it's how we work on certain things..."

Terry receives a more civil but no less suspicious reception from Kai-Ro and Aquagirl. Superman insists that his decision is final and Helen as well, and his teammates walk out, leaving Terry to think this was a bad idea.


Gwen almost forgot to mention the other part about her to Superman and Helen.

"Sorry, she does this. Only those who know my secret can see and hear my other self in spirit of fire." Gwen tells them. "She's good at heart, really because she's me...Still, not a good thing to happen for me to see something I want to be part of."

Not a good start, huh?

"Maybe this was a mistake." said Batman.

"No, I need someone I can trust. And that's the two of you."

In private, however, Superman confides to Terry, Gwen, and Helen 'only' that he suspects one of the League members of trying to sabotage and kill the others.

"It's because of this, things will get worse if we don't do something and fast." Helen tells them.

Superman reveals Micron's current state, as he is recuperating in a stasis tank. Superman explains to Terry and Gwen that Micron was taken down by a method that only an insider would know how to use.

"It could be one of the team, and I need both of your help to find out who's responsible for this mess." he said. "Please, only from the Bat-Family detective skills can solve this. Normal lives, you two are in love, but as crime fighters to work together a lot more."

"Yeah, that'll make us friendlier." Batman said.

Well, what other choice do they have? This is very serious.

Terry is reluctant to suspect Earth's greatest heroes, but begins reviewing the files of each League member, even from Gwen's hacking skills to learn more about the members. Mareena (Aquagirl) appears and apologizes for her initial coolness and invites Batman to join her on her training swim. He politely declines, as he has a lot of JLU homework to catch up on and Batwoman was also busy.

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